It’s common to associate hair loss with men. However, the truth is that hair loss can happen to women, too – and it can happen as early as your 20s. The good news is that treatment can help. But first, the root cause needs to be identified.

As dermatologist Daniel Krakora explains on the For Health’s Sake podcast, treatment depends on the cause and the type of hair loss you’re experiencing. In some cases, medication is recommended, and in others it may be recommended that you let it run its course for a little while. In addition to hair loss treatments, this episode covers:

  • The phases of hair growth
  • Signs of hair loss in women
  • Types and causes of hair loss
  • How dermatologists evaluate hair loss

Don’t wait to get checked

If you’re starting to notice signs of hair loss, making an appointment with a dermatologist is a great next step. “I don't think it's a bad idea to have your hair loss checked early on, particularly if it's alarming you and you're not sure what's causing it,” Dr. Krakora says. “For [some] less common causes of hair loss … you only have a certain amount of time to administer treatment … so starting earlier than later is important.”