As the snow continues to fall, skiers and snowboards spend more time out on the slopes. Like many other sports, skiing and snowboarding can cause accidents. To learn more about skiing and snowboarding injuries, TRIA sports medicine physician, Nick Esala, discusses tips to stay safe while out on the slopes.

What are the most common skiing and snowboarding injuries?

Knee injuries are more common in skiers because of the amount of force and shock applied to one’s knees. Some knee injuries can be mild, like a sprain, or more significant, such as ligament tears or fractures.

Shoulder dislocations are more common in snowboarders. These athletes tend to fall with their arms out, placing the force of the fall on their shoulder joint.

Wrist injuries and fractures from snowboarding are common sports-related hand injuries. When a snowboarder falls, they may fall on an outstretched hand. Falling on the hand can result in a mild injury such as a wrist sprain, or a more severe injury as a fracture.

How do skiing and snowboarding injuries most likely occur?

Some skiing and snowboarding injuries are traumatic. These injuries occur from dangerous terrain, falls, collisions or a lift accident. In many instances, fatigue after a long day on the slopes or poor judgement can play a role with injuries. Shoulder, elbow or wrist injuries occur from falls on an outstretched arm.  Lower extremity injuries generally occur from falls where the knee or lower leg gets twisted.

How can these injuries treated?

Luckily, most ski and snowboard injuries are minor and are treated with rest, bracing and medications. Some fractures and ligament injuries may require surgery.  The recovery period can vary from three to six months, or longer.

What are the best ways for a skier or snowboarder to prevent an injury?

Poor functioning or improper equipment is a frequent cause of injuries. A few examples of this are:

  • Binding that are too loose or too tight
  • Incorrect sized equipment
  • Equipment used on improper terrain
  • Preventative equipment such as helmets, can may prevent disastrous and even fatal accidents.

It’s also important for skiers and snowboarders to use common sense, while out on the slopes:

  • Staying hydrated during the day, and rest every couple of hours
  • Ski at your appropriate ski level
  • Stay safe during changing weather conditions. Alter your skiing schedule based on the conditions.

Is there a right way for a skier or snowboarder to fall?

If you are going to fall, just fall. Don’t put your hand or arm out to break the fall, as this can lead to upper extremity injuries.  Also, try to absorb the impact by rolling into the fall (tuck and roll). This may disperse the impact of the fall on your whole body.

For help with a skiing or snowboarding injury our orthopedic urgent care clinics are open seven days a week, no appointment needed at TRIA’s locations in Bloomington, Maple Grove and Woodbury.