We regularly have new studies that we are recruiting for. If you don’t see something that you qualify for right now, please call Caitlin at 952-993-9605 or complete the questionnaire at this link to be contacted about future studies.
CONtiNuous glucosE monitoring (CGM) in people wiTh type 2 diabetes not on insulin: The CONNECT Study
Principal Investigator: Thomas Martens, MD
Study sponsor: Dexcom
Location: International Diabetes Center
Purpose of study: This research study is being done to better understand how using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), along with your usual diabetes medications, works to improve blood sugars compared to your usual diabetes management. Each qualifying participant will have the opportunity to use a CGM.
The CGM is a small device worn on the upper arm that allows you to see what your blood sugar level is at any time of the day. The system has a sensor that measures blood sugar level continuously and the results can be seen on your smartphone.
Participants will receive the following, at no cost:
– Study-related medical care and lab tests
– Continuous glucose monitoring supplies
– Payment for completed visits
Inclusion Criteria
You may qualify if you:
– Are age 18 or older
– Have type 2 diabetes
– Do NOT take insulin
– Have an A1C of 7.5% or higher
– Have never used a CGM, or have not used one recently
– Meet other study specific requirements
Study Contact:
Caitlin Moening
(952) 993-9605
Frequency of Ketosis in People Living with Diabetes or Other Medical Conditions
Principal Investigator: Richard Bergenstal, MD
Study Sponsor: Abbott Diabetes Care
Location: International Diabetes Center
Purpose of study: The purpose of this research study is to use the investigational FreeStyle Libre X Continuous Glucose Monitoring System to collect both ketone and glucose levels, and to learn about how often elevated ketones occur in adults and children living with diabetes and other medical conditions which may affect these levels. Ketones are acids made by the body when using fats for energy instead of carbohydrates. Study participation includes 2-3 appointments over a period of about 3-6 weeks.
Participants will receive:
– The study system to use during participation
– Compensation for completed visits and use of study diary
– Study related lab tests at no cost
Inclusion criteria:
You may qualify if you:
– Have diabetes:
- type 1 (ages 2 and up)
- type 2 diabetes
- gestational diabetes OR are pregnant and have type 1 or type 2 diabetes
– AND/OR have heart failure
– Meet other study specific requirements
Study Contact:
Caitlin Moening
(952) 993-9605
Luna Automated Insulin Delivery for Multiple Daily Injectors (AID4MDI)
Principal Investigator: Anders Carlson, MD
Study Sponsor: Luna Health
Location: International Diabetes Center
Purpose of study: This study will be testing a new investigational insulin delivery system designed to be worn just at night by individuals with type 1 diabetes who take their insulin by injections. This is being done to see if the study system lowers blood sugars for those who may have high blood sugar during sleep and when they wake up. The Luna System works with a person’s continuous glucose monitor (CGM) to provide small amounts of rapid-acting insulin during sleep and does not replace other insulins you are taking. It is investigational, meaning it hasn’t yet been cleared by the FDA to be sold on the market. The study lasts about 17weeks
and involves putting the device on before bed for about 13 of those weeks.
What will participants receive?
– The Luna system is provided for use during the study, at no cost to you.
– Compensation will be provided for completed study visits and questionnaires
– Study-related medical care and lab tests are provided at no cost to you
– Diabetes management and education, support and guidance provided by diabetes professionals
Inclusion Criteria:
The study is accepting individuals ages 18 and older who:
– Have had type 1 diabetes for at least 6 months
– Use insulin injections for their diabetes
– Have been wearing a CGM for at least the last 3 months
– Are willing to use the study system at night throughout the study
– Meet other study specific requirements
Study Contact:
Caitlin Moening
(952) 993-9605