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D. A. Corley All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • The association of bowel function, participation in life activities, and quality of life in rectal cancer survivors
    Quality of Life Research. 2022
  • A population-based survey to assess the association between cannabis and quality of life among colorectal cancer survivors
    BMC cancer. 2020
  • Variation in colorectal cancer stage and mortality across large community-based populations: PORTAL Colorectal Cancer Cohort
    The Permanente journal. 2020
  • Clinical molecular marker testing data capture to promote precision medicine research within the Cancer Research Network
    JCO clinical cancer informatics. 2019
  • Health care improvement and survivorship priorities of colorectal cancer survivors: findings from the PORTAL colorectal cancer cohort survey
    Supportive Care in Cancer. 2019
  • Treatment patterns and survival differ between early-onset and late-onset colorectal cancer patients: the patient outcomes to advance learning network
    Cancer Causes and Control. 2019
  • Optimizing patient-reported outcome and risk factor reporting from cancer survivors: a randomized trial of four different survey methods among colorectal cancer survivors
    Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 2017
  • Developing a data infrastructure for a learning health system: the PORTAL network
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2014
  • Screening colonoscopy and risk for incident late-stage colorectal cancer diagnosis in average-risk adults: a nested case-control study
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2013
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  • D. A. Corley
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    Publications in the past 10 years based solely on publications while at HealthPartners. Publications in prior years appear in grey.