Press releases
We're working to improve the health of our community.
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Showing 41 - 50 of 93 entries
HealthPartners cost and resource use measures
receive re-endorsement by National Quality Forum (NQF)
Leading standards-setting body cites widespread use of measures since 2012 endorsement
HealthPartners plans again top-rated in Minnesota
National Committee for Quality Assurance recognizes
health plans for exceptional care and member satisfaction
HealthPartners and Park Nicollet clinics again earn high marks for treatment of diabetes, vascular disease and depression
Minnesota Bridges to Excellence recognizes clinics with pay-for-performance rewards
HealthPartners named 2017 Most Wired
Most Wired health systems use technology to partner with patients on health
HealthPartners named among best health systems in country
National provider of health care data and analytics puts HealthPartners in top 15
All HealthPartners hospitals recognized for ‘Greening the OR’ work
National award honors work to reduce the environmental impact of surgery
HealthPartners hospitals win top 25 award for sustainability
Methodist Hospital, Regions Hospital and Hudson Hospital & Clinic named among top 25 in the U.S. for environmental stewardship in health care
HealthParners named a health care “System for change”
Award honors HealthPartners for leading the nation in sustainability practices