Prescription drugs may be at the top of your list of health care needs, but Original Medicare usually only covers medications given while you’re at the doctor’s office or during a hospital stay. So, the prescription drugs you take outside of those situations might not be covered. That’s where Medicare Part D comes in.
Medicare Part D helps cover the cost of your outpatient prescription drugs and is available to anyone enrolled in Medicare Parts A or B, or both. However, it’s only offered through private health insurance plans, so you’ll have to enroll in it separately.
Here’s how Medicare Part D works and what it covers, plus the benefits of enrolling as soon as you’re able.
What is Medicare Part D coverage?
Medicare Part D is one of the four parts of Medicare. It covers prescription drugs and additional vaccines that aren't typically covered by Medicare Part B. You can get Part D coverage with a Medicare Advantage plan, or a standalone Part D plan that you can purchase alongside Original Medicare, a Medicare Cost plan or other types of plans.
Three phases of Medicare Part D
Medicare Part D has three coverage phases that you may move through, and you’ll pay a different amount for your prescriptions in each phase. The cost of your specific prescription drugs will determine which phases you’ll reach throughout the year. It’s important to understand each phase so you can be prepared for your costs to potentially change. If you do notice changing costs, that may indicate that you’ve moved to a different phase.
1. Deductible phase
This is the first phase. Some Medicare Part D plans may have a deductible, or a certain amount of money you’ll need to spend before the plan kicks in. That means you’ll pay 100% of your prescription costs until you reach the plan’s deductible. Keep in mind that deductibles vary from plan to plan.
2. Initial coverage phase
If your plan has no deductible, you’ll start in the initial coverage phase. If your plan has a deductible and you’ve reached it, you’ll move into the initial coverage phase after the deductible phase.
In this phase, your Medicare Part D plan helps cover some of your prescription drug costs. You’ll typically pay a copay (a set amount of money) or coinsurance (a certain percentage of the cost for your prescription drugs) for every prescription you fill.
The initial coverage phase ends when the total amount spent by you and your plan on covered prescription drugs, including any deductible but not including your monthly premiums, reaches the initial coverage limit set by Medicare.
When you have spent a total of $2,000 in out-of-pocket costs within the calendar year, you will move from the initial coverage phase to the catastrophic coverage phase.
3. Catastrophic phase
You enter the catastrophic phase if you’ve spent a certain amount of money for covered medicines. During this stage, you’ll pay nothing for your covered Part D drugs.
The Coverage gap phase, known as the Medicare donut hole, was eliminated in 2025.
How to become eligible for Medicare Part D
You can enroll in a Part D plan as soon as you’re eligible for Original Medicare. This means that you must be a U.S. citizen (or lawfully present in the U.S.) and over 65 years old. You may also be eligible before turning 65 if you experience a qualifying disability or have end-stage renal disease. To enroll in Medicare Part D, you must first enroll in Medicare Parts A and/or B.
Is Medicare Part D required?
No, Medicare Part D isn’t a requirement. However, many people find that enrolling in a Part D plan is worth the investment. Your health can be unpredictable, so while you may not need many (or any) prescription drugs now, you may need them in the future. It’s better to enroll in Medicare Part D when you enroll in Original Medicare so you can get coverage for future prescription medicines.
Medicare Part D late-enrollment penalty
If you need to enroll in Part D later and didn't have creditable coverage, you’ll likely have to pay a penalty. The Medicare Part D penalty amount is 1% of the average premium for every month you went without creditable drug coverage when first eligible for Medicare. That penalty gets added to your monthly premium and continues throughout the entire time you have a Part D plan, which will likely end up costing you more.
How much does Medicare Part D cost?
Part D coverage costs vary depending on what kind of plan you have and what your insurance provider offers. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the average cost for a Medicare Advantage plan in 2024 (including payments for both your Part B and Part D premiums) was around $193.20 a month. The average cost for a Medicare Part D plan itself was about $55 a month.
If you have a higher income, you may have to pay a bit more for Medicare prescription drug coverage. For example, if you make more than $106,000 filing individually or $212,000 jointly – you’ll pay an extra amount in addition to your plan premium, which is known as the Medicare income-related monthly adjustment amount (IRMAA).
Does Medicare Part D have a maximum out-of-pocket limit?
All Medicare plans include a $2,000 Part D maximum out-of-pocket spending limit for outpatient prescription drugs covered in the plan. This amount could change each year.
What Medicare Part D typically covers
All Part D plans cover a wide range of brand name and generic prescription drugs that people with Medicare are most likely to need. This includes medicines needed for certain protected classes, like drugs for treating cancer (although not chemotherapy, which is covered by Part B) or HIV/AIDS.
Part D also covers insulin, both injectable and inhaled, as well as some diabetes supplies, like syringes, gauze, needles and more. The specific prescription drugs your plan covers depends on what’s available in your plan’s formulary, which is your plan’s list of covered medicines.
For those who may need a little help paying for their medicine, you can enroll in the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan. As part of this program, you can pay prescription costs in monthly installments that spread out your payments over the year.
How to find out which drugs are covered by your Part D plan
To find out which medicines are available in your Part D plan’s formulary, you can call the number on the back of your insurance card. A representative can confirm whether your medicine is covered or if there’s a more affordable brand available on your plan’s drug list. This way, you can benefit from coverage as much as possible.
You may also be able to go to your provider’s website. Many Part D plans that feature a formulary offer a search function where you can confirm for yourself if a specific drug will be covered.
What are Medicare prescription drug tiers?
Medicare plans divide all their covered prescription drugs into tiers, and each tier may cost a different amount. Keep in mind that different plans may put the same drugs in different tiers.
If you currently take prescription drugs, make note of which drugs and what dosages you take. This will help you ensure that your Part D plan covers them and that you understand what they cost. To find this information, look up your prescription drugs in the plan’s formulary and find which tier they are assigned to.
Here’s an example of a Medicare prescription drug plan's tiers:
- Tier 1 – Preferred generic drugs
- Tier 2 – Generic drugs
- Tier 3 – Preferred brand drugs
- Tier 4 – Non-preferred drugs
- Tier 5 – Specialty drugs
Generally, the lower-tier drugs have lower costs, and the higher-tier drugs have higher costs. While the lower-tier drugs may be manageable to pay for without Part D coverage, the higher tiers may give you sticker shock. So, while you may have to pay a premium, deductible, copay or coinsurance, your overall Medicare Part D costs will likely be significantly less than if you don’t have coverage.
Does Medicare Part D cover insulin?
Medicare beneficiaries with Part D pay no more than $35 for a one-month supply of covered insulin products, regardless of the tier it’s in, even if you haven’t paid your deductible. Keep in mind that a Part D plan might not cover all available insulin products.
Does Medicare Part D cover vaccines?
Generally, Medicare Part D will cover all commercially available vaccines needed to prevent illness, but it’s always helpful to check your plan documents if you’re thinking about getting a specific vaccine. Part D covers vaccines recommended for adults by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at no cost, including the shingles vaccine.
Original Medicare only covers certain vaccines, like flu shots, pneumonia, Hepatitis B and some vaccines based on possible exposure, like rabies or tetanus. If you have Original Medicare but not Medicare Part D coverage, you may end up paying full price for other vaccines you might need or want.
How do you buy a Medicare Part D plan?
You can buy Medicare Part D coverage from a private insurance company that has a contract with Medicare as soon as you’re eligible for Original Medicare during your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP). To sign up for Part D, you need to enroll in Medicare Part A, Part B or both, and live in a county where a plan is offered.
When to enroll in or change your Medicare Part D plan
As mentioned, you can enroll in Medicare Part D coverage once you become eligible for Medicare during the Initial Enrollment Period. You can also switch Part D plans or enroll for the first time during the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period each year. However, you may have to pay a late enrollment penalty if you didn’t enroll in Part D when you were first eligible and don’t have creditable coverage.
Here are the two ways to get Medicare Part D coverage:
Medical + Part D in one Medicare plan
You can get both medical and prescription drug coverage in most Medicare Advantage plans (often called Part C). These plans combine the coverage of Original Medicare Parts A and B into one plan, with the added benefit of Part D prescription drug coverage.
Standalone Medicare prescription drug plan
You can enroll in a standalone Medicare Part D plan to get coverage for your prescription drugs if:
- You use Original Medicare for your health care needs and want prescription drug coverage.
- You have a Medicare Supplement plan. These plans don’t include outpatient prescription drug coverage, so you’ll choose a standalone Part D plan too.
- You have a Medicare Cost plan without outpatient prescription drug coverage.
Medicare Part D and medical plans
There are plenty of benefits to having a Medicare Part D prescription plan, and there are even more when you consider a Medicare Advantage plan with combined Part D and medical coverage.
With a Medicare Advantage plan, you’ll have one phone number for all your questions. Want to know how much your labs will cost and if your medicine is covered? You can call one number to get both questions answered. You’ll also have one member ID card to keep things simple.
Also, it’ll be easier to see what’s covered and get the help you need to manage your medicine. Your plan may include a medication therapy management (MTM) program, where a clinical pharmacist reviews your current medications to help you understand and manage your medications, as well as ensure they’re working as effectively as possible. The goal of an MTM program is to make sure your mix of medicines is safe, effective and a match for your life.