Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Journal uri icon
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  • Effect of abdominal tissue thickness on trabecular bone score and fracture risk in adults with diabetes: the Manitoba BMD registry 2024
  • FRAX predicts cardiovascular risk in women undergoing osteoporosis screening: the Manitoba bone mineral density registry 2024
  • Simultaneous automated ascertainment of prevalent vertebral fracture and abdominal aortic calcification in clinical practice: role in fracture risk assessment 2024
  • Effect of BMI-discordant abdominal tissue thickness on fracture probability: a registry-based study 2023
  • Machine-learning assessed abdominal aortic calcification is associated with long-term fall and fracture risk in community-dwelling older Australian women 2023
  • Height loss in old age and fracture risk among men in late life: a prospective cohort study 2021
  • Joint associations of prevalent radiographic vertebral fracture and abdominal aortic calcification with incident hip, major osteoporotic, and clinical vertebral fractures 2021
  • Factors associated with kyphosis and kyphosis progression in older men: the MrOS Study 2020
  • Red cell distribution width Is a risk factor for hip fracture in elderly men without anemia 2020
  • A comparison of US and Canadian osteoporosis screening and treatment strategies in postmenopausal women 2019
  • Adding lateral spine imaging for vertebral fractures to densitometric screening: improving ascertainment of patients at high risk of incident osteoporotic fractures 2019
  • Association between abdominal aortic calcification, bone mineral density, and fracture in older women 2019
  • Performance of FRAX and FRAX-based treatment thresholds in women aged 40 years and older: the Manitoba BMD Registry 2019
  • Vertebral fracture assessment increases use of pharmacologic therapy for fracture prevention in clinical practice 2019
  • Impact of competing risk of mortality on association of cognitive impairment with risk of hip fracture in older women 2018
  • Long-term atherosclerotic vascular disease risk and prognosis in elderly women with abdominal aortic calcification on lateral spine images captured during bone density testing: a prospective study 2018
  • Osteoporotic vertebral fracture prevalence varies widely between qualitative and quantitative radiological assessment methods: the Rotterdam Study 2018
  • The ability of a single BMD and fracture history assessment to predict fracture over 25 years in postmenopausal women: the study of osteoporotic fractures 2018
  • Volumetric bone mineral density and failure load of distal limbs predict incident clinical fracture independent HR-pQCT BMD and failure load predicts incident clinical fracture of FRAX and clinical risk factors among older men 2018
  • Association of Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) with incident clinical and radiographic vertebral fractures adjusted for lumbar spine BMD in older men: a prospective cohort study 2017
  • Association of incident, clinically undiagnosed radiographic vertebral fractures with follow-up back pain symptoms in older men: the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study 2017
  • Association of increased urinary albumin with risk of incident clinical fracture and rate of hip bone loss: the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study (MrOS) 2017
  • Goal-directed treatment for osteoporosis: a progress report from the ASBMR-NOF Working Group on Goal-Directed Treatment for Osteoporosis 2017
  • Impact of competing risk of mortality on association of weight loss with risk of central body fractures in older men: a prospective cohort study 2017
  • The association between protein intake by source and osteoporotic fracture in older men: a prospective cohort study 2017
  • Degree of trauma differs for major osteoporotic fracture events in older men versus older women 2016
  • Prediction of incident major osteoporotic and hip fractures by Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) and prevalent radiographic vertebral fracture in older men 2016
  • SHBG, sex steroids, and kyphosis in older men: The MrOS Study 2016
  • The association between trabecular bone score and lumbar spine volumetric BMD is attenuated among older men with high body mass index 2016
  • What proportion of incident radiographic vertebral fractures in older men is clinically diagnosed and vice versa: a prospective study 2016
  • High hip fracture risk in men with severe aortic calcification: MrOS study 2014
  • Physical performance and radiographic and clinical vertebral fractures in older men 2014
  • The potential economic benefits of improved postfracture care: a cost-effectiveness analysis of a fracture liaison service in the US health-care system 2014
  • Effect of alendronate for reducing fracture by FRAX score and femoral neck bone mineral density: the Fracture Intervention Trial 2012
  • Novel methods to evaluate fracture risk models 2011
  • Estimates of the proportion of older white men who would be recommended for pharmacologic treatment by the new US National Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines 2010
  • Clinical value of monitoring BMD in patients treated with bisphosphonates for osteoporosis 2009
  • Estimates of the proportion of older white women who would be recommended for pharmacologic treatment by the new U.S. National Osteoporosis Foundation Guidelines 2009
  • FRAX and risk of vertebral fractures: the fracture intervention trial 2009
  • Abdominal aortic calcification detected on lateral spine images from a bone densitometer predicts incident myocardial infarction or stroke in older women 2008
  • Algorithm-based qualitative and semiquantitative identification of prevalent vertebral fracture: agreement between different readers, imaging modalities, and diagnostic approaches 2008
  • Association between prior non-spine non-hip fractures or prevalent radiographic vertebral deformities known to be at least 10 years old and incident hip fracture 2006
  • Association between self-reported prior wrist fractures and risk of subsequent hip and radiographic vertebral fractures in older women: a prospective study 2005
  • Opportunistic osteoporosis screening using low-dose computed tomography (LDCT): promising strategy, but challenges remain [editorial].  36. 2021
  • Mortality after osteoporotic fractures: what proportion is caused by fracture and is preventable [editorial]?.  32. 2017