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A.B. Adams All authors
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • PEEP titration: the effect of prone position and abdominal pressure in an ARDS model
    Intensive care medicine experimental. 2018
  • Positional effects on the distributions of ventilation and end-expiratory gas volume in the asymmetric chest-a quantitative lung computed tomographic analysis
    Intensive care medicine experimental. 2018
  • Reliability of transpulmonary pressure-time curve profile to identify tidal recruitment/hyperinflation in experimental unilateral pleural effusion
    Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. 2017
  • The effect of compartmental asymmetry on the monitoring of pulmonary mechanics and lung volumes
    Respiratory Care. 2016
  • Evaluation of intraosseous pressure in a hypovolemic animal model
    Journal of Surgical Research. 2015
  • Impact of chest wall modifications and lung injury on the correspondence between airway and transpulmonary driving pressures
    Critical Care Medicine. 2015
  • Positional effects on lung volumes and transpulmonary pressure during unilateral mechanical asymmetry
    Minnesota Medicine. 2014
  • Unilateral mechanical asymmetry. Positional effects on lung volumes and transpulmonary pressure
    Intensive care medicine experimental. 2014
  • A blinded, randomized, controlled trial of three doses of high-dose insulin in poison-induced cardiogenic shock
    Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.). 2013
  • Experimental intra-abdominal hypertension influences airway pressure limits for lung protective mechanical ventilation
    The journal of trauma and acute care surgery. 2013
  • Expression of melatonin receptors in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) in African American and Caucasian women: relation to survival
    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2013
  • Value and limitations of transpulmonary pressure calculations during intra-abdominal hypertension
    Critical Care Medicine. 2013
  • Experimental intra-abdominal hypertension attenuates the benefit of positive end-expiratory pressure in ventilating effusion-compressed lungs*
    Critical Care Medicine. 2012
  • Monitoring FRC (functional residual capacity) in ventilated patients
    Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine. 2012
  • Non-pulmonary factors strongly influence the stress index
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2011
  • Pleural effusion complicates monitoring of respiratory mechanics
    Critical Care Medicine. 2011
  • Agreement between functional residual capacity estimated via automated gas dilution versus via computed tomography in a pleural effusion model
    Respiratory Care. 2010
  • Evaluating humidity recovery efficiency of currently available heat and moisture exchangers: a respiratory system model study
    Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil). 2009
  • Semi-quantitative tracking of intra-airway fluids by computed tomography
    Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging. 2009
  • Working memory capacity is decreased in sleep-deprived internal medicine residents
    Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2009
  • Ventilation patterns influence airway secretion movement
    Respiratory Care. 2008
  • Time course of physiologic variables in response to ventilator-induced lung injury
    Respiratory Care. 2007
  • A proposed curvilinearity index for quantifying airflow obstruction
    Respiratory Care. 2006
  • Characteristics of demand oxygen delivery systems: maximum output and setting recommendations
    Respiratory Care. 2004
  • Effects of ventilatory pattern on experimental lung injury caused by high airway pressure
    Critical Care Medicine. 2004
  • Intercomparison of recruitment maneuver efficacy in three models of acute lung injury
    Critical Care Medicine. 2004
  • Publication, citations, and impact factors of leading investigators in critical care medicine
    Respiratory Care. 2004
  • Transient hemodynamic effects of recruitment maneuvers in three experimental models of acute lung injury
    Critical Care Medicine. 2004
  • Ventilator-induced lung injury
    Respiratory Care Clinics of North America. 2003
  • Distal projection of insufflated gas during tracheal gas insufflation
    Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md.. 2002
  • Oscillations and noise: inherent instability of pressure support ventilation?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2002
  • Tracheal gas insufflation during late exhalation efficiently reduces PaCO(2) in experimental acute lung injury
    Intensive Care Medicine. 2002
  • Application of tracheal gas insufflation to acute unilateral lung injury in an experimental model
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2001
  • Catheters for tracheal gas insufflation
    Respiratory Care. 2001
  • Dynamic behavior during noninvasive ventilation: chaotic support?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2001
  • Relative roles of vascular and airspace pressures in ventilator-induced lung injury
    Critical Care Medicine. 2001
  • Selective tracheal gas insufflation during partial liquid ventilation improves lung function in an animal model of unilateral acute lung injury
    Critical Care Medicine. 2001
  • Static and dynamic pressure-volume curves reflect different aspects of respiratory system mechanics in experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome
    Respiratory Care. 2001
  • Effects of respiratory impedance on the performance of bi-level pressure ventilators
    Respiratory Care. 2000
  • Prone positioning attenuates and redistributes ventilator-induced lung injury in dogs
    Critical Care Medicine. 2000
  • Recruitment maneuvers in three experimental models of acute lung injury. Effect on lung volume and gas exchange
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2000
  • Editorial Article
  • Too many ventilator modes [editorial]!
    Respiratory Care.  57. 2012
  • Does mechanical ventilation "hit" the lungs [editorial]?
    Critical Care Medicine.  36. 2008
  • Chapter
  • Monitoring the patient in the intensive care unit
    Eagan's fundamentals of respiratory care. 2012
  • Application of physical principles
    Respiratory care: principles and practice. 2011
  • Research in respiratory care
    Respiratory care: principles and practice. 2011
  • Monitoring and management of the patient in the intensive care unit
    Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care. 2008
  • Abstract
  • How does IAP affect esophageal pressure [abstract]?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2013
  • Fowler's position reduces effusion-caused compressive lung stress and increases functional residual capacity [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012
  • Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of insomnia [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012
  • Intra-abdominal pressure transmission to the thorax is predominantly at end-inspiration [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012
  • Tidal coefficient of variation as a predictor of weaning success [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012
  • 10 U/kg/hr of high dose insulin is superior to 1 U/kg/hr in a blinded, randomized, controlled trial in poison-induced cardiogenic shock [abstract]
    Clinical Toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.). 2011
  • Does increased pre-trial respiratory pattern variability portend failure-to-wean [abstract]?
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2010
  • Pleural effusion induced lung collapse is highly recruitable in normal pigs [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2010
  • Reliability of the stress index in an animal model of unilateral pleural effusion [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2010
  • Inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) increases end expiratory lung volume (EELV) without a parallel increase in AutoPEEP [abstract]
    American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2008
  • Contact
    full name
  • A.B. Adams
  • A. B. Adams
  • Quick Info
    Publications in the past 10 years based solely on publications while at HealthPartners. Publications in prior years appear in grey.