Parkinson’s support and services

Resources for people living with Parkinson’s disease

A Parkinson’s diagnosis brings with it a range of physical and mental challenges. If you’re living with Parkinson’s, the following resources from our care team can help you live better.

A woman works with her occupational therapist, playing a game to help improve her dexterity.

Multidisciplinary care for Parkinson’s

Research has shown that team-based, supportive care can be highly effective for helping people manage Parkinson’s symptoms and optimize their function. Depending on your symptoms, you may benefit from a combination of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, music therapy and other services, such as those offered at our Struthers Parkinson’s Center locations in Golden Valley and at the HealthPartners Neuroscience Center in St. Paul. Along with these, a social worker can connect you to additional care opportunities and planning resources, as well as provide support and education throughout your care.

The importance of exercise

Getting regular exercise is extremely important for optimizing your quality of life. The right exercise program not only helps offset Parkinson’s effects on mobility, flexibility and balance, but it can also support your mental health. In particular, focus on getting a combination of:

  • Aerobic activity
  • Balance and agility training
  • Flexibility training
  • Multitasking practice
  • Strength training

A rehabilitative therapy team can create an exercise program tailored to your specific needs and help you find physical activities that you enjoy. You can also look for speech, music and other exercise classes designed for people living with Parkinson’s at the Struthers Parkinson’s Center and in your community.

Managing your emotional and mental health

Parkinson’s can have a strong impact on your emotions, behavior and your relationship with yourself. Having positive ways to cope, both on your own and with the help of others, can help you deal with challenging moments.

Parkinson’s support groups, classes and other events

Getting support for Parkinson’s can take many different forms. From education and skill-building activities to exercise classes and opportunities for connection, there’s no shortage of ways to make positive changes in your day-to-day life.

Medicines for Parkinson’s disease

Medicines play an important role in managing Parkinson’s symptoms. While your doctor will explain what different medicines do and which medicines are appropriate for you over the course of your care, it can also be helpful to learn about them on your own.

Educational videos

In addition to support groups, classes and events, the Struthers Parkinson’s Center hosts a variety of videos designed to help people understand and live with Parkinson’s. Topics include general Parkinson’s information, quality of life tools, caregiver skills, treatment options and more.

Participating in Parkinson’s research

Research paves the way for improvements in how health conditions are treated. By participating in surveys, observational studies and clinical trials, you can help researchers better understand Parkinson’s and how it can be treated. Talk to your care team to find out if a research study is suitable for you.

Two women embrace outside on a cloudy day.

Support for caregivers of people with Parkinson’s

Being a caregiver for someone living with Parkinson’s can be challenging. It’s possible to spend so much time supporting your loved one that your own physical and mental health take second priority.

More Parkinson’s resources

In addition to the resources above, Parkinson’s associations offer a wide range of educational materials, support and other resources for people living with Parkinson’s.