Mark Hansberry

Mark Hansberry

Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy and Growth Officer


Mark Hansberry is Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy and Growth Officer at HealthPartners, responsible for strategically positioning and growing the organization’s membership and patients across the communities we serve. In this role, Mark is accountable for organizational business strategy, product development, marketing, sales, actuary and underwriting, provider partnerships, government relations, community relations and member services. He also oversees the performance of HealthPartners health plan and the HealthPartners Institute.

Mark has more than 35 years of experience building innovative partnerships, products and business ventures that attract customers and grow revenues. Prior to joining HealthPartners in 2016, he held senior leadership and executive roles at health care organizations in the Twin Cities, Chicago and Boston.


  • B.S., Finance and Economics, Boston College
  • M.B.A., Strategy and Marketing, University of Minnesota