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Nordin, James D., MD, MPH
Retired Clinical Research Investigator

Joined the Institute: 1990

Education and training: MD and pediatric residency, University of Iowa, Iowa City; MPH, maternal and child health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

Overview/research interests: Immunization practices, vaccine safety and effectiveness, disease surveillance using large linked databases, immunization racial/ethnic disparities.

Current research activities and funding:

  • Vaccine Safety Datalink (several studies of the safety of H1N1 influenza vaccine)
  • Studies of the safety of vaccines in pregnant women (influenza, Tdap, and human papillomavirus)
  • Risk of wheezing in asthmatic children after vaccination with the nasal influenza vaccine
  • Racial/ethnic disparities in completion of initial immunization series
Publications While At HealthPartners
selected publications
Journal Article
  • Association between aluminum exposure from vaccines before age 24 months and persistent asthma at age 24 to 59 months
    Academic Pediatrics. 2023
  • Association of the COVID-19 pandemic with routine childhood vaccination rates and proportion up to date with vaccinations across 8 US health systems in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    JAMA pediatrics. 2022
  • Birth and early developmental screening outcomes associated with cannabis exposure during pregnancy
    Journal of Perinatology. 2020
  • Clinical decision support for recognizing and managing hypertensive blood pressure in youth: no significant impact on medical costs
    Academic Pediatrics. 2020
  • Improving hypertension recognition in adolescents, a small but important first step in cardiovascular disease prevention
    Academic Pediatrics. 2020
  • Order of live and inactivated vaccines and risk of non-vaccine-targeted infections in US children 11-23 months of age
    Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2020
  • Risk for subdeltoid bursitis after influenza vaccination: a population-based cohort study
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2020
  • Safety of guidelines recommending live attenuated influenza vaccine for routine use in children and adolescents with asthma
    Vaccine. 2019
  • Trends in outpatient antibiotic use in 3 health plans
    Pediatrics. 2019
  • Uptake and safety of hepatitis A vaccination during pregnancy: a Vaccine Safety Datalink study
    Vaccine. 2019
  • Association between estimated cumulative vaccine antigen exposure through the first 23 months of life and non-vaccine-targeted infections from 24 through 47 months of age
    JAMA. 2018
  • Clinical decision support for recognition and management of hypertension: a randomized trial
    Pediatrics. 2018
  • Evaluation of an electronic clinical decision support tool for incident elevated BP in adolescents
    Academic Pediatrics. 2018
  • Impact of copayment changes on children's albuterol inhaler use and costs after the Clean Air Act chlorofluorocarbon ban
    Health Services Research. 2018
  • Risk of spontaneous abortion after inadvertent human papillomavirus vaccination in pregnancy
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2018
  • Safety of repeated doses of tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine in adults and adolescents
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2018
  • The safety of live attenuated influenza vaccine in children and adolescents 2 through 17 years of age: a Vaccine Safety Datalink study
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2018
  • Uptake and safety of Hepatitis B vaccination during pregnancy: a Vaccine Safety Datalink study
    Vaccine. 2018
  • ACL tears in school-aged children and adolescents over 20 years
    Pediatrics. 2017
  • Accuracy of electronic health record-derived data for the identification of incident ADHD
  • First trimester influenza vaccination and risks for major structural birth defects in offspring
    Journal of Pediatrics. 2017
  • Identifying birth defects in automated data sources in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2017
  • Immunization: Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Minn Physician. 2017
  • Live attenuated influenza vaccine use and safety in children and adults with asthma
    Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. 2017
  • Maternal Tdap vaccination and risk of infant morbidity
    Vaccine. 2017
  • Maternal and infant outcomes after human papillomavirus vaccination in the periconceptional period or during pregnancy
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017
  • Rates and risk factors associated with hospitalization for pneumonia with ICU admission among adults
    BMC Pulmonary Medicine. 2017
  • Influenza vaccination during pregnancy: influenza seasons 2002-2012, Vaccine Safety Datalink
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016
  • Maternal Tdap vaccination: coverage and acute safety outcomes in the vaccine safety datalink, 2007-2013
    Vaccine. 2016
  • Risk factors for surgical site infections following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
    Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2016
  • Risk of preterm or small-for-gestational-age birth after influenza vaccination during pregnancy: caveats when conducting retrospective observational studies
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2016
  • Tdap vaccination during pregnancy and microcephaly and other structural birth defects in offspring
    JAMA. 2016
  • Childhood vaccines and Kawasaki disease, Vaccine Safety Datalink, 1996-2006
    Vaccine. 2015
  • Safety of measles-containing vaccines in 1-year-old children
    Pediatrics. 2015
  • TeenBP: development and piloting of an EHR-linked clinical decision support system to improve recognition of hypertension in adolescents
    EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2015
  • Absence of associations between influenza vaccines and increased risks of seizures, Guillain-Barre syndrome, encephalitis, or anaphylaxis in the 2012-2013 season
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2014
  • Evaluation of the association of maternal pertussis vaccination with obstetric events and birth outcomes
    JAMA. 2014
  • Maternal immunization with pneumococcal 9-valent conjugate vaccine and early infant otitis media
    Vaccine. 2014
  • Maternal influenza vaccine and risks for preterm or small for gestational age birth
    Journal of Pediatrics. 2014
  • Missed opportunities for pregnancy prevention among insured adolescents
    JAMA pediatrics. 2014
  • Monovalent H1N1 influenza vaccine safety in pregnant women, risks for acute adverse events
    Vaccine. 2014
  • Pharmacotherapy for incident attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: practice patterns and quality metrics
    Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2014
  • Receipt of pertussis vaccine during pregnancy across 7 Vaccine Safety Datalink Sites
    Preventive Medicine. 2014
  • Recent trends in outpatient antibiotic use in children
    Pediatrics. 2014
  • Safety of diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis and inactivated poliovirus (DTaP-IPV) vaccine
    Vaccine. 2014
  • The utility of claims data for infection surveillance following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
    Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2014
  • Timely versus delayed early childhood vaccination and seizures
    Pediatrics. 2014
  • Vaccinations given during pregnancy, 2002-2009: a descriptive study
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2014
  • A population-based cohort study of undervaccination in 8 managed care organizations across the United States
    JAMA pediatrics. 2013
  • Association between undervaccination with diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine and risk of pertussis infection in children 3 to 36 months of age
    JAMA pediatrics. 2013
  • Effect of age on the risk of fever and seizures following immunization with measles-containing vaccines in children
    JAMA pediatrics. 2013
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome, influenza vaccination, and antecedent respiratory and gastrointestinal infections: a case-centered analysis in the Vaccine Safety Datalink, 2009-2011
    PloS One. 2013
  • Identifying pregnancy episodes, outcomes, and mother-infant pairs in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Vaccine. 2013
  • Inactivated influenza vaccine during pregnancy and risks for adverse obstetric events
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013
  • Influenza and pertussis vaccination coverage among privately insured women of reproductive age
    Maternal and child health journal. 2013
  • Maternal safety of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in pregnant women
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013
  • Postlicensure surveillance for pre-specified adverse events following the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children
    Vaccine. 2013
  • Receipt of human papillomavirus vaccine among privately insured adult women in a U.S. midwestern health maintenance organization
    Preventive Medicine. 2013
  • Risk of adverse events following oseltamivir treatment in influenza outpatients, Vaccine Safety Datalink Project, 2007-2010
    Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2013
  • Safety of a tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis vaccine when used off-label in an elderly population
    Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2013
  • Safety of the yellow fever vaccine: a retrospective study
    Journal of Travel Medicine. 2013
  • Self-report compared to electronic medical record across eight adult vaccines: do results vary by demographic factors?
    Vaccine. 2013
  • Trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine and spontaneous abortion
    Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013
  • Vaccination site and risk of local reactions in children 1 through 6 years of age
    Pediatrics. 2013
  • Measles-containing vaccines and febrile seizures in children age 4 to 6 years
    Pediatrics. 2012
  • Patterns in influenza antiviral medication use before and during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, Vaccine Safety Datalink Project, 2000-2010
    Influenza and other respiratory viruses. 2012
  • Safety of zoster vaccine in adults from a large managed-care cohort: a Vaccine Safety Datalink study
    Journal of Internal Medicine. 2012
  • H1N1 and seasonal influenza vaccine safety in the vaccine safety datalink project
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2011
  • Injection site and risk of medically attended local reactions to acellular pertussis vaccine
    Pediatrics. 2011
  • Monitoring vaccine safety using the Vaccine Safety Datalink: utilizing immunization registries for pandemic influenza
    Vaccine. 2011
  • Risk of rheumatoid arthritis following vaccination with tetanus, influenza and hepatitis B vaccines among persons 15-59 years of age
    Vaccine. 2011
  • Safety of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in children aged 24 to 59 months in the vaccine safety datalink
    Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 2011
  • Tdap and GBS letter
    Vaccine. 2011
  • Adolescent primary care visit patterns
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2010
  • Community-level incentives to increase the use of vaccination services in developing countries: an idea whose time has come?
    Vaccine. 2010
  • Evaluating real-time syndromic surveillance signals from ambulatory care data in four states
    Public Health Reports. 2010
  • Henoch-Scholein purpura and polysaccharide meningococcal vaccine
    Pediatrics. 2010
  • Lack of association between acellular pertussis vaccine and seizures in early childhood
    Pediatrics. 2010
  • Measles-mumps-rubella-varicella combination vaccine and the risk of febrile seizures
    Pediatrics. 2010
  • Multiple vaccinations and the risk of medically attended fever
    Vaccine. 2010
  • Near real-time surveillance for influenza vaccine safety: proof-of-concept in the Vaccine Safety Datalink Project
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2010
  • Real-time surveillance to assess risk of intussusception and other adverse events after pentavalent, bovine-derived rotavirus vaccine
    Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2010
  • Accuracy of data on influenza vaccination status at four Vaccine Safety Datalink sites
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2009
  • An assessment of the safety of adolescent and adult tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine, using active surveillance for adverse events in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
    Vaccine. 2009
  • Frequency of medically attended adverse events following tetanus and diphtheria toxoid vaccine in adolescents and young adults: a Vaccine Safety Datalink study
    BMC Infectious Diseases. 2009
  • Identification and characteristics of vaccine refusers
    BMC Pediatrics. 2009
  • Predictive value of seizure ICD-9 codes for vaccine safety research
    Vaccine. 2009
  • Risk of immune hemolytic anemia in children following immunization
    Vaccine. 2009
  • Risk of medically attended local reactions following diphtheria toxoid containing vaccines in adolescents and young adults: a Vaccine Safety Datalink study
    Vaccine. 2009
  • Varicella vaccination and ischemic stroke in children: is there an association?
    Pediatrics. 2009
  • Bioterrorism surveillance and privacy: intersection of HIPAA, the Common Rule, and public health law
    American Journal of Public Health. 2008
  • Risk of immune thrombocytopenic purpura after measles-mumps-rubella immunization in children
    Pediatrics. 2008
  • The safety of trivalent influenza vaccine among healthy children 6 to 24 months of age
    Pediatrics. 2006
  • Vaccine adverse event reporting system reporting source: a possible source of bias in longitudinal studies
    Pediatrics. 2006
  • Simulated anthrax attacks and syndromic surveillance
    Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2005
  • Syndromic surveillance for measleslike illnesses in a managed care setting
    Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2004
  • Influence of high-risk medical conditions on the effectiveness of influenza vaccination among elderly members of 3 large managed-care organizations
    Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2002
  • Influenza vaccine effectiveness in preventing hospitalizations and deaths in persons 65 years or older in Minnesota, New York, and Oregon: data from 3 health plans
    Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2001
  • Conference Poster
  • Racial/ethnic disparities in completion of the routine immunization series by age two [poster]
  • Results of a cluster-randomized trial testing the effects of TeenBP, an EHR-based clinical decision support tool, on recognition of adolescent hypertension [poster]
  • Acute adverse events following trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) in pregnancy [poster]
  • Pregnancy among insured adolescents [poster]
  • Surveillance for anterior cruciate ligament surgical site infections using claims data [poster]
  • Estimating pregnancy start dates with prenatal procedure codes [poster]
  • Safety of seasonal influenza vaccine (TIV) in pregnant women [poster]
  • Safety of the yellow fever vaccine: a retrospective study [poster]
  • Autism prevalence in immigrant children (APIC) [poster]
  • Henoch-Schonlein purpura and meningococcal vaccine in adolescents and young adults: data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink [poster]
  • Off-label use of Tdap for persons 65 years and over in a midwest HMO, June 2006 - February 2009 [poster]
  • Decision support for amoxicillin dosing in the electronic medical record: if you build it, will they use it [poster]?
  • Decision support for amoxicillin dosing in the electronic medical record: if you build it, will they use it [poster]?
  • Prescription errors in the electronic medical record: provider perceptions and suggestions for modification [poster]
  • Prescription errors in the electronic medical record: provider perceptions and suggestions for modification [poster]
  • Prescription errors in the electronic medical record: provider perceptions and suggestions for modification [poster]
  • Social characteristics and health care utilization associated with exemption from immunization [poster]
  • presentations
  • Advances in public health surveillance [plenary presentation], HMO Research Network 14th Annual Conference: Partnerships in Translation: Advancing Research and Clinical Care
  • Bioterrorism surveillance and privacy: intersection of HIPAA, the common rule, and public health law [presentation], HMO Research Network 14th Annual Conference: Partnerships in Translation: Advancing Research and Clinical Care
  • Decision support for amoxicillin dosing in the electronic medical record: if you build it, will they use it [presentation]?, Minnesota Health Services 13th Annual Research Conference
  • Disparities in pregnancy and birth rates among insured adolescents, 2003-2010 [presentation], Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting
  • Effect of maternal immunization on infant otitis media [presentation], Society for Epidemiology Research (SER) 41st Annual Meeting
  • Evaluation of the association of maternal pertussis vaccination with obstetric events and birth outcomes [presentation], Pediatric Academic Societies/Asian Society for Pediatric Research (PAS/ASPR) 2014 Joint Meeting
  • Maternal receipt of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine and risks for preterm or small for gestational age birth [presentation], HMO Research Network 19th Annual Conference: Advancing Research in the Era of Healthcare Reform
  • Prescription errors in the electronic medical record: provider perceptions and suggestions for modification [presentation], EPIC Pharmacy Advisory Council
  • Safety of the seasonal influenza vaccine during pregnancy: maternal health outcomes [presentation], VSD Annual Meeting
  • Specialty differences in recognizing and managing elevated blood pressures among children and adolescents [presentation], Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians Spring Refresher
  • Quick Info