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JoAnn M. Sperl-Hillen, MD
Retired Senior Research Investigator
Her work focuses on improving outcomes for patients with diabetes and chronic diseases through approaches that include: (1) use of information technology and electronically captured health data to facilitate better decision making between providers and patients, 2) strategies to support patient adherence to recommended treatments, and (3) better ways to engage and educate providers and patients. She conducts health care delivery research and clinical trials in diabetes, prediabetes, hypertension, lipids, cardiovascular risk reduction, cancer prevention, and opioid use disorder.
geographic focus
  • Minnesota  State or Province
  • Affiliation
  • Senior Investigator, HealthPartners Institute 2000 -
  • has collaborator
  • Margolis, Karen L., MD, MPH  Senior Research Investigator
  • Publications While At HealthPartners
    selected publications
    Journal Article
  • Clinical decision support and cardiometabolic medication adherence: a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA network open. 2025
  • A CKD clinical decision support system: a cluster randomized clinical trial in primary care clinics
    Kidney Med. 2024
  • Protocol of a patient randomized clinical trial to improve medication adherence in primary care
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2024
  • Adoption of shared decision-making and clinical decision support for reducing cardiovascular disease risk in community health centers
    JAMIA open. 2023
  • Design of a pragmatic clinical trial to improve screening and treatment for opioid use disorder in primary care
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2023
  • Differential effects of an intervention to reduce cardiovascular risk for patients with bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia: a randomized clinical trial
    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2023
  • Does clinical decision support increase appropriate medication prescribing for cardiovascular risk reduction?
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2023
  • Assessing the implementation of a clinical decision support tool in primary care for diabetes prevention: a qualitative interview study using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Science
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2022
  • Association of an automated blood pressure measurement quality improvement program with terminal digit preference and recorded mean blood pressure in 11 clinics
    JAMA network open. 2022
  • Bolstering the business case for adoption of shared decision-making systems in primary care: randomized controlled trial
    JMIR formative research. 2022
  • Cardiovascular risk for patients with and without schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2022
  • Clinical decision support with or without shared decision making to improve preventive cancer care: a cluster-randomized trial
    Medical Decision Making. 2022
  • Clinician perceptions of a clinical decision support system to reduce cardiovascular risk among prediabetes patients in a predominantly rural healthcare system
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2022
  • Comparing pharmacist-led telehealth care and clinic-based care for uncontrolled high blood pressure: the Hyperlink 3 pragmatic cluster-randomized trial
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2022
  • Comparison of explanatory and pragmatic design choices in a cluster-randomized hypertension trial: effects on enrollment, participant characteristics, and adherence
    Trials. 2022
  • Depression and cardiovascular risk in primary care patients
    Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2022
  • Effect of clinical decision support at community health centers on the risk of cardiovascular disease: a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA network open. 2022
  • Effect of clinical decision support on cardiovascular risk among adults with bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia: a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA network open. 2022
  • Human papillomavirus vaccination clinical decision support for young adults in an upper midwestern healthcare system: a clinic cluster-randomized control trial
    Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. 2022
  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on type 2 diabetes care delivery
    Clinical Diabetes. 2022
  • Implementing a prediabetes clinical decision support system in a large primary care system: design, methods, and pre-implementation results
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2022
  • A pilot study of the functionality and clinician acceptance of a clinical decision support tool to improve primary care of opioid use disorder
    Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 2021
  • Design and rationale of an intervention to improve cancer prevention using clinical decision support and shared decision making: a clinic-randomized trial
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2021
  • Experiences and perceptions of patients with uncontrolled hypertension who are dissatisfied with their hypertension care
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2021
  • Patient perceptions of using clinical decision support for cancer screening and prevention: "I wouldn't have thought about getting screened without it."
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Pragmatic clinic randomized trial to improve chronic kidney disease care: design and adaptation due to COVID disruptions
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2021
  • Primary care physician perspectives on using team care in clinical practice
    Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2021
  • The impact of personalized clinical decision support on primary care patients' views of cancer prevention and screening: a cross-sectional survey
    BMC Health Services Research. 2021
  • Cardiovascular events and costs with home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management for uncontrolled hypertension
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2020
  • Challenges involved in establishing a web-based clinical decision support tool in community health centers
    Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 2020
  • Design of a pragmatic cluster-randomized trial comparing telehealth care and best practice clinic-based care for uncontrolled high blood pressure
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2020
  • Pragmatic trial design of an intervention to reduce cardiovascular risk in people with serious mental illness
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2020
  • Pre-implementation adaptation of primary care cancer prevention clinical decision support in a predominantly rural healthcare system
    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2020
  • Barriers and facilitators to implementing cancer prevention clinical decision support in primary care: a qualitative study
    BMC Health Services Research. 2019
  • Current status and future directions for electronic point-of-care clinical decision support to improve diabetes management in primary care
    Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 2019
  • Principles and procedures for data and safety monitoring in pragmatic clinical trials
    Trials. 2019
  • Understanding primary care providers' perceptions of cancer prevention and screening in a predominantly rural healthcare system in the upper Midwest
    BMC Health Services Research. 2019
  • Clinical decision support directed to primary care patients and providers reduces cardiovascular risk: a randomized trial
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018
  • Economic evaluation of the home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist case management to control hypertension (Hyperlink) trial
    Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2018
  • Key components of success in a randomized trial of blood pressure telemonitoring with medication therapy management pharmacists
    Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2018
  • Long-term outcomes of the effects of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management on blood pressure among adults with uncontrolled hypertension: follow-up of a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA network open. 2018
  • Priorities Wizard: chronic disease clinical decision support that works
    MetroDoctors. 2018
  • Understanding primary care provider attitudes and behaviors regarding cardiovascular disease risk and diabetes prevention in the northern midwest
    Clinical Diabetes. 2018
  • A substudy evaluating treatment intensification on medication adherence among hypertensive patients receiving home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management
    Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 2016
  • Examining failure in a dynamic decision environment: strategies for treating patients with a chronic disease
  • Orthostatic hypotension in the ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) blood pressure trial: prevalence, incidence, and prognostic significance
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2016
  • Patient characteristics associated with greater blood pressure control in a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management
    Journal of the American Society of Hypertension. 2016
  • A successful multifaceted trial to improve hypertension control in primary care: why did it work?
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2015
  • In Reply to Wayne, Bursuk, McGaphie
    Academic Medicine. 2015
  • Recidivism to uncontrolled blood pressure in patients with previously controlled hypertension
    American Heart Journal. 2015
  • A machine learning approach to improving dynamic decision making
  • Educating resident physicians using virtual case-based simulation improves diabetes management: a randomized controlled trial
    Academic Medicine. 2014
  • Personalised physician learning intervention to improve hypertension and lipid control: randomised trial comparing two methods of physician profiling
    BMJ quality & safety. 2014
  • Are benefits from diabetes self-management education sustained?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2013
  • Current status and future prospects for electronic point-of-care clinical decision support in diabetes care
    Current Diabetes Reports. 2013
  • Effect of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management on blood pressure control: a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA. 2013
  • Using simulation technology to teach diabetes care management skills to resident physicians
    Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 2013
  • Virtual care: internet-delivered diabetes education for health professionals
    Minnesota Physician. 2013
  • Adherence to blood pressure telemonitoring in a cluster-randomized clinical trial
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2012
  • Cost-effectiveness of an electronic medical record based clinical decision support system
    Health Services Research. 2012
  • Design and rationale for Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring and Case Management to Control Hypertension (HyperLink): a cluster randomized trial
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2012
  • Effect of intensive versus standard blood pressure control on depression and health-related quality of life in type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD trial
    Diabetes care. 2012
  • Fenofibrate-associated changes in renal function and relationship to clinical outcomes among individuals with type 2 diabetes: the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) experience
    Diabetologia. 2012
  • Reversibility of fenofibrate therapy-induced renal function impairment in ACCORD type 2 diabetic participants
    Diabetes care. 2012
  • Comparative effectiveness of patient education methods for type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2011
  • Effect of intensive glycemic lowering on health-related quality of life in type 2 diabetes: ACCORD trial
    Diabetes care. 2011
  • Impact of electronic health record clinical decision support on diabetes care: a randomized trial
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2011
  • Long-term effects of intensive glucose lowering on cardiovascular outcomes
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2011
  • A comparative analysis of recruitment methods used in a randomized trial of diabetes education interventions
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2010
  • Educator experience with the U.S. Diabetes Conversation Map education program in the journey for control of diabetes: the IDEA study
    Diabetes Spectrum. 2010
  • Outpatient EHR-based diabetes clinical decision support that works: lessons learned from implementing Diabetes Wizard
    Diabetes Spectrum. 2010
  • Simulated physician learning program improves glucose control in adults with diabetes
    Diabetes care. 2010
  • Customized feedback to patients and providers failed to improve safety or quality of diabetes care: a randomized trial
    Diabetes care. 2009
  • Disease management strategies to optimize cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports. 2009
  • Simulated physician learning intervention to improve safety and quality of diabetes care: a randomized trial
    Diabetes care. 2009
  • The role of diabetes educators in the medical home
    Diabetes Spectrum. 2009
  • Effects of intensive glucose lowering in type 2 diabetes
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2008
  • The effect of advanced access implementation on quality of diabetes care
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2008
  • Clinical and public health implications of glycemic relapse in type 2 diabetes
    Nature Clinical Practice: Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2007
  • Ambulatory care quality measures for the 6 aims from administrative data
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2006
  • Are claims data accurate enough to identify patients for performance measures or quality improvement? The case of diabetes, heart disease, and depression
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2006
  • Care quality and implementation of the chronic care model: a quantitative study
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Challenges of change: a qualitative study of chronic care model implementation
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Effect of improved primary care access on quality of depression care
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Increasing primary care physician productivity: A case study
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2006
  • Transforming medical care: case study of an exemplary, small medical group
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2006
  • Factors driving diabetes care improvement in a large medical group: ten years of progress
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2005
  • Impact of an electronic medical record on diabetes quality of care
    Annals of Family Medicine. 2005
  • Randomized trial of quality improvement intervention to improve diabetes care in primary care settings
    Diabetes care. 2005
  • Do all components of the chronic care model contribute equally to quality improvement?
  • Does improved access to care affect utilization and costs for patients with chronic conditions?
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2004
  • Is patient readiness to change a predictor of improved glycemic control?
    Diabetes care. 2004
  • Key issues in transforming health care organizations for quality: the case of advanced access
  • HealthPartners' diabetes care improvement program
    Healthplan. 2002
  • Improving diabetes care in a large health care system: an enhanced primary care approach
    Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 2000
  • Chapter
  • Cardiovascular complications of diabetes
    The art and science of diabetes self-management education desk reference. 2014
  • Advances in Patient Safety Clinical Inertia and Outpatient Medical Errors
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (Volume 2: Concepts and Methodology). 2005
  • Advances in Patient Safety Identification, Classification, and Frequency of Medical Errors in Outpatient Diabetes Care
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (Volume 1: Research Findings). 2005
  • Advances in Patient Safety SimCare: A Model for Studying Physician Decisionmaking Activity
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (Volume 4: Programs, Tools, and Products). 2005
  • Clinical inertia and outpatient medical errors
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation. 2005
  • Identification, classification, and frequency of medical errors in outpatient diabetes care
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation. 2005
  • SimCare: a model for studying physician decisionmaking activity
    Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation (Volume 4: Programs, Tools, and Products). 2005
  • Conference Poster
  • A clinical decision support system promotes shared decision-making and cardiovascular risk factor management [poster]
  • Aspirin for primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: challenges to appropriate use [poster]
  • Can prioritized clinical decision support in primary care reduce cardiovascular risk? [poster]
  • Clinical decision support impact on overuse and underuse of aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events [poster]
  • Impact of improving diabetes care on Quality adjusted Life Expectancy (QALE) and costs: a 40-year perspective [poster]
  • Long-term outcomes of a cluster-randomized trial testing the effects of blood pressure (BP) telemonitoring and pharmacist management on BP outcomes [poster]
  • Long-term outcomes of a cluster-randomized trial testing the effects of blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management [poster]
  • Primary care provider use rates of a clinical decision support tool and change in diabetes performance measures [poster]
  • Using EMR-linked data for passive patient safety reporting in pragmatic clinical trials [poster]
  • Correlation between provider use rates of a clinical decision support tool and diabetes performance measures [e-poster 1266-P]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Design of diabetes clinical decision support systems that reduce CV risk [poster]
  • Improving population health: predictors of recidivism to uncontrolled hypertension in patients with previously well-controlled hypertension [poster]
  • Passive safety monitoring using electronic medical records data for pragmatic cardiovascular clinical trials [poster]
  • How did pharmacists help patients achieve blood pressure control in a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring plus pharmacist management [poster]?
  • Personalized physician learning intervention to improve hypertension control: randomized trial comparing two methods of physician profiling [poster]
  • Frequency of CV Wizard use and gender disparity [poster]
  • Improved self-efficacy and satisfaction with care among Hyperlink intervention patients [poster]
  • Outcomes at six months of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [poster]
  • Personalized physician learning intervention to improve hypertension control: randomized trial comparing two methods of physician profiling [poster]
  • Aspirin decision support using data-driven treatment algorithms [poster]
  • From research innovation to broader public use: the SimCare story [poster]
  • Outcomes at six months of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [poster]
  • Simulated provider training improves diabetes management [poster]
  • Testing a clinical decision support process to lower cardiovascular risk of patients [poster]
  • A simulated diabetes learning intervention improves provider knowledge and confidence in managing diabetes [poster]
  • Designing a patient interface for shared decision support [poster]
  • Improvements in self-efficacy and diabetes distress, but not glucose control, from individual diabetes education are sustained [poster]
  • Provider satisfaction with a simulated learning approach to diabetes management [poster]
  • Use of Diabetes Wizard EMR-based clinical decision support system [poster]
  • Characteristics of depression in patients with sub-optimally controlled diabetes [poster]
  • Cost effectiveness of an EMR-based clinical decision support system [poster]
  • EHR-based clinical decision support for assessing cardiovascular risk [poster]
  • Educator experience with group interactive dialogue to educate and activate (IDEA) using U.S. diabetes converation maps in the IDEA study [poster]
  • Patient evaluation of education using U.S. Diabetes Conversion maps in the IDEA study [poster]
  • Patient evaluation results of group education using conversation maps™ in the IDEA (Interactive Dialogue to Educate and Activate) study [poster]
  • A study design to evaluate group dialogue activities to improve diabetes outcomes [poster]
  • A study designed to evaluate interactive dialogue to educate and activate (the IDEA study) [poster]
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals [poster]
  • Reasons for diabetes clinical inertia in primary care practice [poster]
  • Using EMR (electronic medical record) data for passive patient safety surveillance in clinical trials [poster]
  • Using EMR (electronic medical record) data to profile 21 physician-specific treatment strategies in diabetes care [poster]
  • Study recruitment challenges for a clinical trial of diabetes education interventions [poster]
  • Abstract
  • Comparing change in systolic blood pressure with clinic-based care versus telehealth care in a pragmatic cluster-randomized trial (Hyperlink 3) [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Maximizing use of chronic disease clinical decision support in primary care clinics: lessons learned from randomized trials [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Medication adherence during the COVID-19 pandemic: preliminary data from the patient perspective [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Patients deciding on cancer screening and prevention using clinical decision support: "I wouldn't have thought about getting screened without it" [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Better care strategies are necessary to address poor medication adherence [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2020
  • Differences in chronic kidney disease management in patients with and without diabetes in a large care delivery system [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2020
  • Glycemic relapse: major threat to ongoing improvement in diabetes care [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2020
  • A web-based clinical decision support system (Wizard) increases appropriate cardiometabolic diagnostic coding at primary care visits [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Challenges encountered in linking community health centers' electronic health record data to a web-based clinical decision support tool [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Dissemination and sustained use of an outpatient clinical decision system with high use rates, high clinician satisfaction, and positive impact on quality of care [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Long-term effects on cardiovascular events of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist management in patients with uncontrolled hypertension [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Variation in care improvement opportunities suggests need for tailored clinician-specific improvement interventions [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • A comparison of the impact of the 2017 ACC/AHA hypertension guidelines on primary care populations with and without diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2018
  • A clinical decision support system promotes shared decision-making and cardiovascular risk factor management [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Comparative effectiveness of two diabetes clinical decision support systems on cardiometabolic outcomes and CV risk: randomized trial [abstract 2304-PUB]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Design features of successful outpatient chronic disease care clinical decision support systems [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Designing outpatient diabetes care clinical decision support systems for high use rates [abstract 2309-PUB]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Eliciting patient treatment preferences using a clinical decision support system [abstract 1252-P]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Overuse and underuse of acetyl-salicylic acid for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2016
  • Overuse and underuse of aspirin for primary prevention [abstract 1225-P]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Overuse and underuse of aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events in primary care [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Qualitative data from a trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management (Hyperlink) [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Randomised trial of a diabetes clinical decision support system: use rates, provider satisfaction, and impact on clinical outcomes [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2016
  • Disseminating web-based EHR-linked diabetes clinical decision support system from one medical group to another: case study [abstract 1377-P]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Evaluation of provider experience with an EHR-based clinical decision support tool [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Sustained use of a diabetes clinical decision support tool in primary care practices [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Educating resident physicians using virtual case-based simulation improves diabetes management--a randomized, controlled trial [abstract 322-OR]
    Diabetes. 2014
  • Aspirin decision support using data-driven treatment algorithms [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Outcomes of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Recidivism to uncontrolled BP levels in previously controlled hypertension patients [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Testing a clinical decision support process to lower cardiovascular risk of patients [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Virtual diabetes education improves resident physician knowledge and performance: a cluster randomized trial [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Virtual diabetes education improves resident physician knowledge and performance: a cluster-randomized trial [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2013
  • A comparison of blood pressure measurements derived from primary care practice and research settings [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • A simulated diabetes learning intervention improves provider knowledge and confidence in managing diabetes [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Are outcomes from diabetes self-management education sustained? A randomized controlled trial [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2012
  • Comparison of ethnicity and race categorization in electronic medical records and by self-report [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Experiences in designing a simple education interface for shared decision support for cardiovascular risk [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Improved glycemic control from diabetes self-management education is not sustained [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Intensive glucose, blood pressure, or lipid control had no significant negative impact on health utility or quality-adjusted life years in the ACCORD Trial [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2012
  • Primary care residents highly rate simulated diabetes training [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Season, daylight, and A1c levels [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Simulated diabetes training helps providers bring patients to goals: a cluster randomized trial [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2012
  • Simulated training improves provider knowledge and confidence in managing diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2012
  • A comparison of group and individual education for patients with sub-optimally controlled type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial [abstract 232-OR]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Adherence to comprehensive interventions for management of uncontrolled hypertension [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2011
  • Effect of intensive versus standard blood pressure control on health-related quality of life in type 2 diabetes mellitus: ACCORD Trial [abstract 47-OR]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Factors influencing completion in the IDEA diabetes education study [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Journey for control of diabetes: the Interactive Dialogue to Educate and Activate (IDEA) Study – short-term results of a randomized controlled trial [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Personalization of care for type 2 diabetes: a process control approach [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Prioritization of treatment and its consequences: implications of accountability measures [abstract 46-OR]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Regional variation in response to diabetes education in the IDEA Study [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Reversibility of fenofibrate-induced renal function impairment in ACCORD type 2 diabetic participants [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • The relationship between depression and completion of recommended self-management education [abstract 752-P]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Use of alternative lifestyle methods to control hypertension in individuals entering a blood pressure clinical trial [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • A diabetes simulated physician learning program improved glucose control and is highly cost-effective [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • A new approach to CME? A simulated physician learning program improves glucose control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Cost-effectiveness of an EMR-based diabetes clinical decision support system [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Disease management strategies to optimize cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • EMR-based clinical decision support system improved glucose and blood pressure control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Home blood pressure telemonitoring and case management to control hypertension: HyperLink trial design and baseline characteristics [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Home blood pressure telemonitoring and case management to control hypertension: hyperlink design, baseline characteristics, and intervention adherence [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2010
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals [abstract]?
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Hypertension treatment intensification and BP control in adults with and without diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Identifying physician decision stretegies for treating patients with type 2 diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Identifying the underlying factors for diabetes care and attitudes [abstract]
    Value in Health. 2010
  • Patient response to a clinical study for diabetes education interventions: demographic differences between patients who enrolled and those not interested in participating [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Personalized learning intervention to enhance hypertension care skills of physicians and extended-care providers [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Personalized physician learning intervention improved glucose control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Recruitment costs for a multi-center, randomized clinical trial for a behavioral intervention study [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Short-term results of a randomized clinical trial of diabetes education on patient empowerment and psychological attributes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Strategies used by physicians to treat hypertension [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • The relationship between depression and attitudes, self-efficacy, self-care adherence and A1c in patients with suboptimally controlled diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Towards lower macrovascular risk in diabetes patients: a simulation-based evaluation of prioritization strategies [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Validation of the SimCare model: a computational model of individual patients with type 2 diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2010
  • Attitudes toward diabetes correlate with self-efficacy, clinical and behavioral outcomes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2009
  • Clinical decision support delivered through EMRs improved glucose and blood pressure control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2009
  • Disease management strategies to optimize cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2009
  • EMR-based clinical decision support system improved glucose and blood pressure control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2009
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals [abstract]?
    Diabetes. 2009
  • Personalized physician learning intervention improved glucose control in adults with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2009
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals [abstract]?
    Diabetes. 2008
  • Implementation of electronic decision support for providers to improve diabetes care [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2008
  • Reasons for diabetes clinical inertia in primary care practice [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2008
  • The anatomy of clinical inertia: using EMR-derived data to profile 21 physician-specific medication treatment strategies in diabetes care [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2008
  • Using EMR (electronic medical record) data for passive patient safety surveillance in clinical trials [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2008
  • presentations
  • A diabetes simulated physician learning program improved glucose control and is cost-effective [presentation], CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Diabetes Translation Conference 2011 - Changing the Course of Diabetes: Optimizing Health for All
  • A diabetes simulated physician learning program improved glucose control and is highly cost-effective [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 15th Annual Conference
  • A machine learning approach to improving process control [presentation], Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS) (19th)
  • A study to evaluate a novel group dialogue experience to educate and activate patients with established diabetes [presentation], American Diabetes Association (ADA) 68th Scientific Sessions
  • Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD): implementing new findings [presentation], American Association of Diabetes Educators 35th Annual Meeting and Exhibition
  • Addressing missing data and clinical relapse can improve composite diabetes quality of care measure [presentation], HMO Research Network 20th Annual Conference: Embedded Research to Improve Health
  • Applying process control and machine learning to develop effective dynamic decision strategies [presentation], INFORMS Charlotte – 2011 Conference
  • Cardiovascular Wizard: an example of personalized and prioritized outpatient clinical decision support [presentation], ICSI 17th Annual Colloquium on Health Care Transformation
  • Comparison of blood pressure measurements derived from primary care practice and research [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 18th Annual Conference--Learning Health Care Systems: Leading Through Research
  • Cost effectiveness of a simulated physician learning program to improve glucose control in adults with diabetes [presentation], NIH 5th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation
  • Cost-effectiveness of a simulated physician learning program improved glucose control in adults with diabetes [presentation], HMO Research Network 16th Annual Conference: Emerging Frontiers in Healthcare Research and Delivery
  • Cost-effectiveness of an EMR-based diabetes clinical decision support system [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 15th Annual Conference
  • Designing outpatient clinical decision systems for high use rates, provider satisfaction, and improved care: lessons from meta-analyses and experience [presentation], AMIA 2018 Clinical Informatics Conference
  • Developing and deploying evidence-based clinical decision support (CDS) for aspirin use at the point-of-care [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 17th Annual Conference
  • EMR-based clinical decision support system improved glucose and blood pressure control in adults with diabetes [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 15th Annual Conference: Clinical Effectiveness: Leadership in Comparative Effectiveness and Translational Research
  • Educator experience with group interactive dialogue to educate and activate (IDEA) using conversation maps [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 15th Annual Conference: Clinical Effectiveness: Leadership in Comparative Effectiveness and Translational Research
  • Effect of fenofibrate therapy on cardiovascular disease in men vs women with type 2 diabetes in the ACCORD-Lipid Trial [presentation], American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions
  • Evaluation of provider experience with an electronic health record-based clinical decision support tool [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 21st Annual Conference: Care Improvement Research: Partnering with Patients, Providers and Operational Leaders
  • Examining effects of continuity of care in the clinic: a simulation study [presentation], INFORMS 2011 Annual Meeting
  • Factors influencing completion in the IDEA diabetes education study [presentation], American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) 38th Annual Meeting
  • Health informatics technology in diabetes care [presentation], Diabetes Translation Research -NIH/NIDDK
  • How a highly cost-effective diabetes simulated physician learning program improved glucose control [presentation], CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Diabetes Translation Conference 2011 - Changing the Course of Diabetes: Optimizing Health for All
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 12th Annual Conference
  • How do the best physicians get diabetes patients to glycemic goals [presentation]?, HMO Research Network (HMORN) 15th Annual Conference: Clinical Effectiveness: Leadership in Comparative Effectiveness and Translational Research
  • Hypertension treatment intensification and BP control in adults with and without diabetes [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 15th Annual Conference
  • Hypertension treatment intensification and blood pressure control in adults with and without diabetes [presentation], CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Diabetes Translation Conference 2011 - Changing the Course of Diabetes: Optimizing Health for All
  • Implementing advanced decision support for providers to improve diabetes care [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 12th Annual Conference
  • Implementing advanced decision support for providers to improve diabetes care [presentation], HMO Research Network 14th Annual Conference: Partnerships in Translation: Advancing Research and Clinical Care
  • Improvements in understanding, self-efficacy and distress from individual diabetes education are sustained [presentation], American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Annual Meeting & Exhibition
  • Improving care for patients with high CV risk [presentation], Midwest Regional Research Network
  • Journey for control of diabetes: the interactive dialogue to educate and activate (IDEA) study: a randomized trial [presentation], SoCRA (Society of Clinical Research Associates) Annual Conference
  • Journey for control of diabetes: the interactive dialogue to educate and activate (IDEA) study: a randomized trial [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 15th Annual Conference
  • Online consenting in the simulated diabetes training (SDT) for resident physicians study [presentation], HMO Research Network 16th Annual Conference: Emerging Frontiers in Healthcare Research and Delivery
  • Outpatient clinical decision support – an evidence-based implementation framework [presentation], NIH Collaboratory Grand Rounds
  • Passive safety surveillance to monitor study subject safety in research projects [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 12th Annual Conference
  • Patient evaluation results of group education using conversation maps™ in the IDEA (Interactive Dialogue to Educate and Activate) study [presentation], American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Annual Meeting
  • Personalized physician learning intervention to improve hypertension control: randomized trial comparing two methods of physician profiling [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 18th Annual Conference
  • Physiology of a patient simulation: a systems approach [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 16th Annual Conference: Emerging Frontiers in Healthcare Research and Delivery
  • Point-of-care prioritized clinical decision support reduces cardiovascular risk in adults with elevated cardiovascular risk: randomized trial [presentation], Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, 10th Annual
  • Practical realities of using electronic medical/health records (EMR/EHR) for clinical management, research, and surveillance [presentation], CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Diabetes Translation Conference 2011 - Changing the Course of Diabetes: Optimizing Health for All
  • Provider treatment profiles correlate with improved glycemic, blood pressure, and lipid actions at diabetes visits [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 12th Annual Conference
  • Recent trends in CV risk factor control and CV risk in adults with diabetes [presentation], European Diabetes Epidemiology Group 2016 Annual Meeting
  • Recidivism to uncontrolled blood pressure levels in patients with previously controlled hypertension [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 17th Annual Conference
  • Root causes of clinical inertia in diabetes care [presentation], International Diabetes Federation (IDF) 20th World Diabetes Congress
  • Short-term results of the IDEA study: a randomized controlled trial [presentation], American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) 38th Annual Meeting
  • SimCare hypertension: randomized trial to improve hypertension care [presentation], Consortium Global Village Meeting/International Global Health
  • Simulated diabetes training for resident physicians [presentation], SoCRA (Society of Clinical Research Associates) Annual Conference
  • Six-month blood pressure outcomes of an intensive telemonitoring intervention trial [presentation], American Heart Association Meeting: Quality of Care Outcomes Research (QCOR)
  • Standardized report for pattern recognition: role of the Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP) in closed loop therapy [presentation], National Institutes of Health Fourth Artificial Pancreas Workshop: Testing and Adoption of Current and Emerging Technologies
  • Strategies that work to change patient and provider behavior in diabetes management [presentation], Diabetes Symposium of Wisconsin 5th Annual
  • Subject preferences in randomization assignment: comparison between randomized assignment preference, perceived intervention value, and personality type [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 18th Annual Conference--Learning Health Care Systems: Leading Through Research
  • Sustaining use of a clinical decision support tool for primary care providers [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 21st Annual Conference: Care Improvement Research: Partnering with Patients, Providers and Operational Leaders
  • The need for new care strategies to prevent A1c relapse [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 21st Annual Conference: Care Improvement Research: Partnering with Patients, Providers and Operational Leaders
  • Turn a web-based wizard into an active guideline with personalized orders [presentation], Epic’s UGM 2017 Users Group Meeting
  • Use a Web-based clinical decision support tool called “CV Wizard” to personalize orders [presentation], EPIC UGM 2017 Users Group Meeting
  • Using CV wizard to reduce CV risk in adults [presentation], Geek Talk, Center for Medicaid and Medicare Innovation
  • Virtual diabetes education improves resident physician knowledge and performance: a cluster-randomized trial [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 17th Annual Conference
  • Research
    research overview
  • Her work focuses on improving outcomes for patients with diabetes and chronic diseases through approaches that include: (1) use of information technology and electronically captured health data to facilitate better decision making between providers and patients, 2) strategies to support patient adherence to recommended treatments, and (3) better ways to engage and educate providers and patients. She conducts health care delivery research and clinical trials in diabetes, prediabetes, hypertension, lipids, cardiovascular risk reduction, cancer prevention, and opioid use disorder.
  • Contact
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  • JoAnn M. Sperl-Hillen, MD
  • Geographic Focus

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