Karen L. Margolis, MD, MPH
Senior Research Investigator

Dr. Margolis is an internal medicine physician and researcher. Throughout her career she has been drawn to topics that arose from unanswered questions in her practice. This has led Dr. Margolis to research a broad range of issues: safety and acceptability of flu shots, screening for breast and cervical cancer, preventing falls and fractures in older women, safety and effectiveness of postmenopausal hormone therapy, and treatments for diabetes. A central theme has been how best to prevent cardiovascular disease, especially through effective treatment of high blood pressure, across the age spectrum in both men and women. The COVID-19 pandemic led Dr. Margolis back to vaccine research, and she is especially proud to be collaborating with researchers across Minnesota to improve health outcomes related to this and other public health threats.

Conducting Institute research since 2005.

Education and training include:
University of Michigan (B.S. in Biology, 1979), Phi Beta Kappa
University of Michigan Medical School (M.D., 1983), Alpha Omega Alpha
University of Minnesota (M.P.H. in Epidemiology, 1992)

Affiliations and other offices held include:

  • Staff physician, Department of Internal Medicine, HealthPartners Medical Group
  • Professor of Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School
  • Adjunct Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota School of Public Health
  • Executive Director of Research, HealthPartners Institute, 2017-2021

Research interests include:
Prevention of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and postmenopausal women’s health. Since March 2020, Dr. Margolis has led the HealthPartners site of the Minnesota Electronic Health Records Consortium, a statewide group of researchers, data scientists and analysts from 11 Minnesota health systems who have joined together to equitably improve health outcomes by combining our data and knowledge. In addition to leading her own research studies on hypertension, Dr. Margolis has been an investigator in many large multi-center, federally funded trials involving cardiovascular disease, diabetes and women’s health, including the Women’s Health Initiative, the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT), Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD), the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly trial (ASPREE), the Vitamin D and Type 2 Diabetes (D2d) study, and the Long-term Effectiveness of the Anti-obesity medication Phentermine (LEAP) trial. 

Current research activities and funding:
IHS-1507-31146      01/01/2016-01/31/2023       PCORI
Pragmatic Trial Comparing Telehealth Care and Clinic-based Care for Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure (Hyperlink-3) (Margolis)
This pragmatic trial will be implemented in 20 HealthPartners clinics with little to no support from the grant (to show that it is feasible for health systems to implement and sustain). Clinic staff will recruit patients. Clinicians will need to be trained on the study protocols. The telehealth intervention will be supported by HealthPartners MTM pharmacists and nurse practitioners who will provide support over the phone.  Role: Principal Investigator

06/01/2020-06/30/2024        MDH/CDC
EHR Based Syndromic Surveillance for COVID (Winkelman)
Collaboration across MN health systems who use Epic to share data for research purposes.  Role: Site Principal Investigator 

11/01/2021-5/31/2023      MDH/CDC
Minnesota EHR Consortium OMOP (Winkleman)
Collaboration across MN health systems to build a common data model.  Role: Site Principal Investigator

UG3-HL-155801      9/17/2021-8/31/2026        NHLBI
Long-term Effectiveness of the Anti-obesity medication Phentermine (LEAP)
Multicenter randomized clinical trial comparing long-term online lifestyle intervention and either phentermine 24 mg/day or matching placebo for 24 months. The co-primary outcomes are percent weight loss and change in systolic BP at 24 months.  Role: Co-investigator

  • Sr. Investigator, Center for Chronic Care Innovation
  • Sr. Research Investigator, Diabetes
  • Sr. Research Investigator, MD, Primary care, pediatrics
  • Senior Research Investigator, Cardiovascular health
  • Publications While At HealthPartners
    selected publications
    Journal Article
  • A learning health system to generate and accelerate innovation: the HealthPartners Institute
    NEJM Catal Innov Care Deliv. 2024
  • Daily low-dose aspirin and blood pressure in community-dwelling older adults
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2024
  • Depression and anxiety among K-12 teachers in the United States: a systematic review
    School psychology (Washington, D.C.). 2024
  • Is hypertension diagnostic testing and diagnosis associated with psychological distress?
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2024
  • Patient experiences with blood pressure measurement methods for hypertension diagnosis: qualitative findings from the BP-CHECK Study
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2024
  • Relationship of blood pressure, health behaviors, and new diagnosis and control of hypertension in the BP-CHECK Study
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2024
  • Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pancreatic cancer risk in the Women's Health Initiative
    Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 2024
  • Acceptability and adherence to home, kiosk, and clinic blood pressure measurement compared to 24-H ambulatory monitoring
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2023
  • Association between CKD and major hemorrhage in older persons: data from the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly Randomized Trial
    Kidney international reports. 2023
  • Describing racial disparity in hypertension control in a large Minnesota outpatient practice
    Health services research and managerial epidemiology. 2023
  • Primary care physician beliefs and practices regarding blood pressure measurement: results from BP-CHECK qualitative interviews
    BMC Prim Care. 2023
  • Accelerometer-measured daily steps, physical function, and subsequent fall risk in older women: the Objective Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Women Study
    Journal of aging and physical activity. 2022
  • Association of an automated blood pressure measurement quality improvement program with terminal digit preference and recorded mean blood pressure in 11 clinics
    JAMA network open. 2022
  • Automated office blood pressure and the impact of attendance and rest on diagnostic accuracy
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2022
  • Blood pressure checks for diagnosing hypertension: health professionals' knowledge, beliefs, and practices
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2022
  • Bolstering the business case for adoption of shared decision-making systems in primary care: randomized controlled trial
    JMIR formative research. 2022
  • COVID-19 vaccination of people experiencing homelessness and incarceration in Minnesota
    Health Affairs. 2022
  • Clinic, home, and kiosk blood pressure measurements for diagnosing hypertension: a randomized diagnostic study
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022
  • Comparing pharmacist-led telehealth care and clinic-based care for uncontrolled high blood pressure: the Hyperlink 3 pragmatic cluster-randomized trial
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2022
  • Comparison of explanatory and pragmatic design choices in a cluster-randomized hypertension trial: effects on enrollment, participant characteristics, and adherence
    Trials. 2022
  • Differences in the prevalence of screen-detected depression after acute coronary syndrome between health systems in the USA: findings from CODIACS-QoL randomized controlled trial
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022
  • Effectiveness of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 second doses and boosters for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and SARS-CoV-2-related hospitalizations: a statewide report from the Minnesota Electronic Health Record Consortium
    Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2022
  • Effectiveness of stepped depression care among patients with screen-identified depression after acute coronary syndromes: a secondary analysis of the CODIACS-QoL randomized clinical trial
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2022
  • Long-term blood pressure variability and kidney function in participants of the ASPREE Trial
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2022
  • Minnesota Electronic Health Record Consortium COVID-19 Project: informing pandemic response through statewide collaboration using observational data
    Public Health Reports. 2022
  • Reach in a pragmatic hypertension trial: a critical RE-AIM component
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2022
  • Safety and tolerability of high-dose daily vitamin D(3) supplementation in the vitamin D and type 2 diabetes (D2d) study-a randomized trial in persons with prediabetes
    European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2022
  • The effect of vitamin D supplementation on cardiovascular risk in patients with prediabetes: a secondary analysis of the D2d study
    Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications. 2022
  • Variation in mean arterial pressure increases falls risk in elderly physically frail and prefrail individuals treated with antihypertensive medication
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2022
  • Economic outcomes of depression screening after acute coronary syndromes: the CODIACS-QoL randomized clinical trial
    General Hospital Psychiatry. 2021
  • Experiences and perceptions of patients with uncontrolled hypertension who are dissatisfied with their hypertension care
    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2021
  • Inequities in hypertension control in the United States exposed and exacerbated by COVID-19 and the role of home blood pressure and virtual health care during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2021
  • Long-term blood pressure variability and risk of cognitive decline and dementia among older adults
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2021
  • Major GI bleeding in older persons using aspirin: incidence and risk factors in the ASPREE randomised controlled trial
    Gut. 2021
  • Primary care physician perspectives on using team care in clinical practice
    Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2021
  • Recent trends in cardiovascular disease deaths: a state specific perspective
    BMC public health. 2021
  • Risk patterns and mortality in postmenopausal women using latent class analysis
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2021
  • Antihypertensive medication use and blood pressure control among treated older adults
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2020
  • Association between post-stroke disability and 5-year hip-fracture risk: The Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2020
  • Cardiovascular events and costs with home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management for uncontrolled hypertension
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2020
  • Design of a pragmatic cluster-randomized trial comparing telehealth care and best practice clinic-based care for uncontrolled high blood pressure
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2020
  • Factors associated with treatment and control of hypertension in a healthy elderly population free of cardiovascular disease: a cross-sectional study
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2020
  • Impact of the 2017 American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology hypertension guideline in aged individuals
    Journal of Hypertension. 2020
  • Long-term blood pressure variability and risk of cardiovascular disease events among community-dwelling elderly
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2020
  • Self-measured blood pressure monitoring at home: a joint policy statement from the American Heart Association and American Medical Association
    Circulation. 2020
  • The Women's Health Initiative Estrogen-Alone trial had differential disease and medical expenditure consequences across age groups
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2020
  • Accuracy of self-reported weight in the Women's Health Initiative
    Public Health Nutrition. 2019
  • Blood pressure checks and diagnosing hypertension (BP-CHECK): design and methods of a randomized controlled diagnostic study comparing clinic, home, kiosk, and 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2019
  • Effect of depression screening after acute coronary syndromes on quality of life: the CODIACS-QoL randomized clinical trial
    JAMA internal medicine. 2019
  • Hypertension treatment and control and risk of falls in older women
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2019
  • PCSK9 inhibitor use in the real world: data From the National Patient-Centered Research Network
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2019
  • Physical activity and weight gain after smoking cessation in postmenopausal women
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2019
  • Rationale, design, and baseline data for a multicenter randomized clinical trial comparing depression screening strategies after acute coronary syndrome: the Comparison of Depression Identification after Acute Coronary Syndromes-Quality of Life and Cost Outcomes (CODIACS-QOL) trial
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2019
  • Smoking cessation, weight gain, and risk of stroke among postmenopausal women
    Preventive Medicine. 2019
  • Breastfeeding history and risk of stroke among parous postmenopausal women in the Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of the American Heart Association. 2018
  • Clinical decision support directed to primary care patients and providers reduces cardiovascular risk: a randomized trial
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2018
  • Development of a standardized definition for clinically significant bleeding in the ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) trial
  • Economic evaluation of the home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist case management to control hypertension (Hyperlink) trial
    Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. 2018
  • Effect of aspirin on all-cause mortality in the healthy elderly
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2018
  • Effect of aspirin on cardiovascular events and bleeding in the healthy elderly
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2018
  • Effect of aspirin on disability-free survival in the healthy elderly
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2018
  • Evaluation of the pooled cohort risk equations for cardiovascular risk prediction in a multiethnic cohort from the Women's Health Initiative
    JAMA internal medicine. 2018
  • Genetic variants in sex hormone pathways and the risk of type 2 diabetes among African American, Hispanic American, and European American postmenopausal women in the US
    Journal of Diabetes. 2018
  • Impact of hormone therapy on Medicare spending in the Women's Health Initiative randomized clinical trials
    American Heart Journal. 2018
  • Improving health and well-being: connecting research and practice. The 24th Annual Conference of the Health Care Systems Research Network (HCSRN)
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2018
  • Key components of success in a randomized trial of blood pressure telemonitoring with medication therapy management pharmacists
    Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2018
  • Long-term outcomes of the effects of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management on blood pressure among adults with uncontrolled hypertension: follow-up of a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA network open. 2018
  • Pooled analysis of nine cohorts reveals breast cancer risk factors by tumor molecular subtype
    Cancer Research. 2018
  • Association of 3 different antihypertensive medications with hip and pelvic fracture risk in older adults: secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA internal medicine. 2017
  • Baseline characteristics of participants in the ASPREE (ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly) Study
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2017
  • Benign breast disease and risk of thyroid cancer
    Cancer Causes and Control. 2017
  • Effect of depression before breast cancer diagnosis on mortality among postmenopausal women
    Cancer. 2017
  • Intentional weight loss and endometrial cancer risk
    Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2017
  • Menopausal hormone therapy and long-term all-cause and cause-specific mortality: The Women's Health Initiative randomized trials
    JAMA. 2017
  • Metabolic phenotype and risk of colorectal cancer in normal-weight postmenopausal women
    Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 2017
  • Pooled analysis of active cigarette smoking and invasive breast cancer risk in 14 cohort studies
    International Journal of Epidemiology. 2017
  • Predicting hypertension among children with incident elevated blood pressure
    Academic Pediatrics. 2017
  • Red blood cell polyunsaturated fatty acids and mortality in the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journal of Clinical Lipidology. 2017
  • Risk of diabetes after hysterectomy with or without oophorectomy in postmenopausal women
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2017
  • Trends in incidence of hospitalized acute myocardial infarction in the Cardiovascular Research Network (CVRN)
    American Journal of Medicine. 2017
  • Use of calcium channel blockers and breast cancer risk in the Women's Health Initiative
    Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention. 2017
  • Venous thromboembolism incidence, recurrence, and mortality based on Women's Health Initiative data and Medicare claims
    Thrombosis Research. 2017
  • A randomized trial of a low-fat diet intervention on blood pressure and hypertension: tertiary analysis of the WHI dietary modification trial
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2016
  • A substudy evaluating treatment intensification on medication adherence among hypertensive patients receiving home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management
    Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 2016
  • Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and height loss: findings from the Women's Health Initiative Calcium and Vitamin D clinical trial
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2016
  • Calcium supplements and cardiovascular disease risk: what do clinicians and patients need to know?
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2016
  • Change in weight status and development of hypertension
    Pediatrics. 2016
  • Diabetes, diabetes treatment, and risk of thyroid cancer
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2016
  • Hysterectomy, oophorectomy, and risk of thyroid cancer
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2016
  • Modeled health and economic impact of team-based care for hypertension
    American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016
  • Orthostatic hypotension in the ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) blood pressure trial: prevalence, incidence, and prognostic significance
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2016
  • Patient characteristics associated with greater blood pressure control in a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management
    Journal of the American Society of Hypertension. 2016
  • Pre-existing diabetes and lung cancer prognosis
    British Journal of Cancer. 2016
  • Prevalence and correlates of body image dissatisfaction in postmenopausal women
    Women and Health. 2016
  • Red blood cell fatty acids and incident diabetes mellitus in the women's health initiative memory study
    PloS One. 2016
  • Relationships between caffeine intake and risk for probable dementia or global cognitive impairment: The Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2016
  • Risk factors for incident hospitalized heart failure with preserved versus reduced ejection fraction in a multiracial cohort of postmenopausal women
    Circulation: Heart Failure. 2016
  • A successful multifaceted trial to improve hypertension control in primary care: why did it work?
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2015
  • Alcohol consumption, body mass index and breast cancer risk by hormone receptor status: Women's Lifestyle and Health Study
    BMC cancer. 2015
  • Association between magnesium intake and risk of colorectal cancer among postmenopausal women
    Cancer Causes and Control. 2015
  • Comparing US paediatric and adult weight classification at the transition from late teenage to young adulthood
    Pediatric Obesity. 2015
  • Cross-sectional and longitudinal risk of physical impairment in a cohort of postmenopausal women who experience physical and verbal abuse
    BMC Women's Health. 2015
  • Effects of TZD use and discontinuation on fracture rates in ACCORD Bone Study
    Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2015
  • Factors associated with adherence to blood pressure measurement recommendations at pediatric primary care visits, Minnesota and Colorado, 2007-2010
    Preventing Chronic Disease. 2015
  • Individual patient data meta-analysis of self-monitoring of blood pressure (BP-SMART): a protocol
    BMJ open. 2015
  • Newly developed chronic conditions and changes in health-related quality of life in postmenopausal women
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2015
  • Pre-existing diabetes and breast cancer prognosis among elderly women
    British Journal of Cancer. 2015
  • Recidivism to uncontrolled blood pressure in patients with previously controlled hypertension
    American Heart Journal. 2015
  • Residential proximity to major roadways and incident hypertension in post-menopausal women
    Environmental Research. 2015
  • Association between diabetes, diabetes treatment and risk of developing endometrial cancer
    British Journal of Cancer. 2014
  • Change in physical activity after a diabetes diagnosis: opportunity for intervention
    Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2014
  • Cognitive function and brain structure in persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus after intensive lowering of blood pressure and lipid levels: a randomized clinical trial
    JAMA internal medicine. 2014
  • Diabetes, diabetes treatment and breast cancer prognosis
    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2014
  • Impact of hypertension on healthcare costs among children
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2014
  • Initiation of oral contraceptives and changes in blood pressure and body mass index in healthy adolescents
    Journal of Pediatrics. 2014
  • Intensive blood pressure control, falls, and fractures in patients with type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD Trial
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2014
  • Lipid screening in children and adolescents in community practice: 2007 to 2010
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2014
  • Outcomes of combined cardiovascular risk factor management strategies in type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD randomized trial
    Diabetes care. 2014
  • Personalised physician learning intervention to improve hypertension and lipid control: randomised trial comparing two methods of physician profiling
    BMJ quality & safety. 2014
  • Use of Medicare data to identify coronary heart disease outcomes in the Women's Health Initiative
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2014
  • Validity of diabetes self-reports in the Women's Health Initiative
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2014
  • Within-person variability of urinary bisphenol-A in postmenopausal women
    Environmental Research. 2014
  • Author response to lipid-lowering in African Americans in ALLHAT-optimism bias?
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2013
  • Barriers to improving primary care of depression: perspectives of medical group leaders
    Qualitative Health Research. 2013
  • Benefits of early hypertension control on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with diabetes
    Diabetes care. 2013
  • Diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for gastrointestinal cancers among postmenopausal women
    Cancer Causes and Control. 2013
  • Effect of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management on blood pressure control: a cluster randomized clinical trial
    JAMA. 2013
  • Effects of menopausal hormone therapy on ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast
    Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2013
  • Intensive glycemic control and thiazolidinedione use: effects on cortical and trabecular bone at the radius and tibia
    Calcified Tissue International. 2013
  • Long-term follow-up of moderately hypercholesterolemic hypertensive patients following randomization to pravastatin vs usual care: the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT-LLT)
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2013
  • Longitudinal changes in dietary fat intake and associated changes in cardiovascular risk factors in adults with type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD trial
    Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2013
  • Menopausal hormone therapy and health outcomes during the intervention and extended poststopping phases of the Women's Health Initiative randomized trials
    JAMA. 2013
  • Mortality and morbidity during and after Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial: results by sex
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2013
  • Patterns of care and persistence after incident elevated blood pressure
    Pediatrics. 2013
  • Prehypertension and hypertension in community-based pediatric practice
    Pediatrics. 2013
  • Response to Annweiler and Beauchet on: Calcium and vitamin d supplementation and cognitive impairment in the Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2013
  • Sex differences in cardiovascular outcomes in patients with incident hypertension
    Journal of Hypertension. 2013
  • Sleep disturbance and incidence of thyroid cancer in postmenopausal women the Women's Health Initiative
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2013
  • Smoking and diabetes: does the increased risk ever go away?
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2013
  • Smoking cessation, weight change, and coronary heart disease among postmenopausal women with and without diabetes
    JAMA. 2013
  • The DIAMOND initiative: implementing collaborative care for depression in 75 primary care clinics
    Implementation science. 2013
  • The association of whole grain consumption with incident type 2 diabetes: the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study
    Annals of Epidemiology. 2013
  • The relationship between urban sprawl and coronary heart disease in women
    Health & place. 2013
  • A comparison between antihypertensive medication adherence and treatment intensification as potential clinical performance measures
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2012
  • A prospective study of leukocyte telomere length and risk of type 2 diabetes in postmenopausal women
    Diabetes. 2012
  • A prospective study of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, blood pressure, and incident hypertension in postmenopausal women
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2012
  • Adherence to blood pressure telemonitoring in a cluster-randomized clinical trial
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2012
  • Calcium and vitamin D supplementation and cognitive impairment in the women's health initiative
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2012
  • Comparative effectiveness of 2 beta-blockers in hypertensive patients
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2012
  • Design and rationale for Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring and Case Management to Control Hypertension (HyperLink): a cluster randomized trial
    Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2012
  • Design of the value of imaging in enhancing the wellness of your heart (VIEW) trial and the impact of uncertainty on power
    Clinical Trials (London, England). 2012
  • Diabetes and lung cancer among postmenopausal women
    Diabetes care. 2012
  • Diabetes, metformin, and breast cancer in postmenopausal women
    Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2012
  • Effect of intensive versus standard blood pressure control on depression and health-related quality of life in type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD trial
    Diabetes care. 2012
  • Incidence and prognosis of resistant hypertension in hypertensive patients
    Circulation. 2012
  • Intensive glycemic control is not associated with fractures or falls in the ACCORD randomized trial
    Diabetes care. 2012
  • Long-term effects of incident diabetes mellitus on cardiovascular outcomes in people treated for hypertension: the ALLHAT Diabetes Extension Study
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2012
  • Racial and ethnic differences in incident hospitalized heart failure in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative
    Circulation. 2012
  • The Women's Health Initiative: the food environment, neighborhood socioeconomic status, BMI, and blood pressure
    Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 2012
  • The association between medication adherence and treatment intensification with blood pressure control in resistant hypertension
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2012
  • The influence of health and lifestyle characteristics on the relation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D with risk of colorectal and breast cancer in postmenopausal women
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2012
  • A diet high in low-fat dairy products lowers diabetes risk in postmenopausal women
    Journal of Nutrition. 2011
  • Age-dependent gender differences in hypertension management
    Journal of Hypertension. 2011
  • Association of active and passive smoking with risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women: a prospective cohort study
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2011
  • Biomarker-calibrated dietary energy and protein intake associations with diabetes risk among postmenopausal women from the Women's Health Initiative
    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2011
  • Combination therapy as initial treatment for newly diagnosed hypertension
    American Heart Journal. 2011
  • Effects of a low-fat dietary intervention on glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Dietary Modification trial
    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2011
  • Effects of intensive glucose lowering on brain structure and function in people with type 2 diabetes (ACCORD MIND): a randomised open-label substudy
    Lancet Neurology. 2011
  • Health outcomes after stopping conjugated equine estrogens among postmenopausal women with prior hysterectomy: a randomized controlled trial
    JAMA. 2011
  • Interaction between smoking and obesity and the risk of developing breast cancer among postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2011
  • Missed opportunities in cardiovascular disease prevention?: low rates of hypertension recognition for women at medicine and obstetrics-gynecology clinics
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2011
  • Neighborhood socioeconomic status and cognitive function in women
    American Journal of Public Health. 2011
  • Prevalence of practice system tools for improving depression care among primary care clinics: the DIAMOND initiative
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2011
  • The effect of calcium plus vitamin D on risk for invasive cancer: results of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) calcium plus vitamin D randomized clinical trial
    Nutrition and Cancer. 2011
  • Vasomotor symptoms and cardiovascular events in postmenopausal women
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2011
  • Blood pressure trajectories and associations with treatment intensification, medication adherence, and outcomes among newly diagnosed coronary artery disease patients
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2010
  • Calcium/vitamin D supplementation and coronary artery calcification in the Women's Health Initiative
    Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2010
  • Comparative effectiveness of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors versus beta-blockers as second-line therapy for hypertension
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2010
  • Delays in filling clopidogrel prescription after hospital discharge and adverse outcomes after drug-eluting stent implantation: implications for transitions of care
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2010
  • Effects of combination lipid therapy in type 2 diabetes mellitus
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2010
  • Effects of intensive blood-pressure control in type 2 diabetes mellitus
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2010
  • Effects of medical therapies on retinopathy progression in type 2 diabetes
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2010
  • Epidemiologic relationships between A1C and all-cause mortality during a median 3.4-year follow-up of glycemic treatment in the ACCORD trial
    Diabetes care. 2010
  • Increased risk of bleeding in patients on clopidogrel therapy after drug-eluting stents implantation: insights from the HMO Research Network-Stent Registry (HMORN-stent)
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions. 2010
  • Multimarker prediction of coronary heart disease risk: the Women's Health Initiative
    Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2010
  • Relationship of hypertension, blood pressure, and blood pressure control with white matter abnormalities in the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS)-MRI trial
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2010
  • The lack of utility of circulating biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction for type 2 diabetes risk prediction among postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2010
  • Trends in first-line therapy for hypertension in the Cardiovascular Research Network Hypertension Registry, 2002-2007
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2010
  • Trends in time to confirmation and recognition of new-onset hypertension, 2002-2006
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2010
  • ALLHAT findings revisited in the context of subsequent analyses, other trials, and meta-analyses
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2009
  • Brain volumes, cognitive impairment, and conjugated equine estrogens
    Journals of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2009
  • Coronary heart disease in moderately hypercholesterolemic, hypertensive black and non-black patients randomized to pravastatin versus usual care: the antihypertensive and lipid lowering to prevent heart attack trial (ALLHAT-LLT)
    American Heart Journal. 2009
  • Heart failure in ALLHAT: did blood pressure medication at study entry influence outcome?
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2009
  • Postmenopausal hormone therapy and subclinical cerebrovascular disease: the WHIMS-MRI Study
    Neurology. 2009
  • Reproductive history, oral contraceptive use, and the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stoke in a cohort study of middle-aged Swedish women
    Stroke. 2009
  • A prospective study of the effect of hypertension and baseline blood pressure on cognitive decline and dementia in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study
    Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2008
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm events in the women's health initiative: cohort study
    BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2008
  • Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and the risk of incident diabetes in the Women's Health Initiative
    Diabetes care. 2008
  • Effect of calcium and vitamin D supplementation on blood pressure: the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trial
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2008
  • Effects of estrogen with and without progestin and obesity on symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux
    Gastroenterology. 2008
  • Effects of intensive glucose lowering in type 2 diabetes
    New England Journal of Medicine. 2008
  • Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of treated diabetes mellitus in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative randomized controlled dietary modification trial
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2008
  • Management of high blood pressure in clinical practice: perceptible qualitative differences in approaches utilized by clinicians
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2008
  • Measuring an organization's ability to manage change: the change process capability questionnaire and its use for improving depression care
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2008
  • Obesity and risk of pancreatic cancer among postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative (United States)
    British Journal of Cancer. 2008
  • Relationship between the presence of practice systems and the quality of care for depression
    American Journal of Medical Quality. 2008
  • The Cardiovascular Research Network: a new paradigm for cardiovascular quality and outcomes research
    Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2008
  • Usefulness of baseline lipids and C-reactive protein in women receiving menopausal hormone therapy as predictors of treatment-related coronary events
    American Journal of Cardiology. 2008
  • Validity of diabetes self-reports in the Women's Health Initiative: comparison with medication inventories and fasting glucose measurements
    Clinical Trials (London, England). 2008
  • A prospective study of oral contraceptive use and risk of myocardial infarction among Swedish women
    Fertility and Sterility. 2007
  • Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial: design and methods Am J Cardiol
  • Blood pressure control in Hispanics in the antihypertensive and lipid-lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trial
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2007
  • Body size, weight cycling, and risk of renal cell carcinoma among postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative (United States)
    American Journal of Epidemiology. 2007
  • Body size, weight cycling, and risk of renal cell carcinoma among postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative (United States) Am J Epidemiol
  • Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and the risk of postmenopausal weight gain Arch Intern Med
  • Circulating levels of endothelial adhesion molecules and risk of diabetes in an ethnically diverse cohort of women Diabetes
  • Estrogen therapy and coronary-artery calcification N Engl J Med
  • Postmenopausal hormone therapy and risk of cardiovascular disease by age and years since menopause JAMA
  • Prehypertension and cardiovascular disease risk in the Women's Health Initiative Circulation
  • Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Current Knowledge and Rationale for the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) Trial Am J Cardiol
  • Prospective study of leukocyte count as a predictor of incident breast, colorectal, endometrial, and lung cancer and mortality in postmenopausal women
    Archives of Internal Medicine. 2007
  • Recruitment strategies in the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) Trial Am J Cardiol
  • Use of practice system tools by medical groups for depression
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2007
  • What if chlorthalidone-associated hyperglycemia develops (authors' reply)? Arch Intern Med
  • How acceptable are financial incentives and written feedback for improving hypertension control? Perspectives from physicians, clinic administrators, and patients
    American Journal of Managed Care. 2002
  • Editorial Article
  • Antihypertensive medication use in older adults at risk for hip fracture [editorial]
    JAMA.  322. 2019
  • Inventing a new model of hypertension care for black men [editorial]
    New England Journal of Medicine.  378. 2018
  • Risk and benefit information and use of aspirin [editorial]
    JAMA internal medicine.  177. 2017
  • Strategies to prioritize clinical options in primary care [editorial]
    Annals of Family Medicine.  15. 2017
  • Intensive BP control, falls, and fractures: response to Jolobe [editorial]
    Journal of General Internal Medicine.  30. 2015
  • Patients affected by changes to hypertension guideline [editorial]
    JAMA.  312. 2014
  • Risks and benefits of antihypertensive medications in older adults [editorial]
    JAMA internal medicine.  174. 2014
  • Authors' reply to Sleep disturbance and incidence of thyroid cancer in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative [editorial]
    American Journal of Epidemiology.  178. 2013
  • Self-reported diabetes is a valid outcome in pragmatic clinical trials and observational studies [editorial]
    Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.  66. 2013
  • Supporting high-value Part D Medicare choices for low-income beneficiaries: comment on "Cognition and take-up of subsidized drug benefits by Medicare beneficiaries" [editorial]
    JAMA internal medicine.  173. 2013
  • Prioritizing treatments in type 2 diabetes mellitus [editorial]
    Archives of Internal Medicine.  172. 2012
  • Smoking cessation, weight gain, and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus among postmenopausal women [editorial]
    Archives of Internal Medicine.  172. 2012
  • The Women's Health Initiative Calcium/Vitamin D Trial [editorial]
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex..  57. 2011
  • Insulin regimens in type 2 diabetes [editorial]
    New England Journal of Medicine.  362. 2010
  • Conference Poster
  • A clinical decision support system promotes shared decision-making and cardiovascular risk factor management [poster]
  • Aspirin for primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: challenges to appropriate use [poster]
  • Blood pressure checks and diagnosing hypertension (BP-CHECK): a stakeholder informed randomized controlled diagnostic study comparing clinic, home, kiosk, and 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring [poster]
  • Can prioritized clinical decision support in primary care reduce cardiovascular risk? [poster]
  • Clinical decision support impact on overuse and underuse of aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events [poster]
  • Long-term outcomes of a cluster-randomized trial testing the effects of blood pressure (BP) telemonitoring and pharmacist management on BP outcomes [poster]
  • Long-term outcomes of a cluster-randomized trial testing the effects of blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management [poster]
  • Design of diabetes clinical decision support systems that reduce CV risk [poster]
  • Improving population health: predictors of recidivism to uncontrolled hypertension in patients with previously well-controlled hypertension [poster]
  • Relation of change in weight status to the development of hypertension in children and adolescents [poster]
  • How did pharmacists help patients achieve blood pressure control in a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring plus pharmacist management [poster]?
  • Personalized physician learning intervention to improve hypertension control: randomized trial comparing two methods of physician profiling [poster]
  • Within-person variability of urinary Bisphenol-A in postmenopausal women [poster]
  • Comparison of blood pressure (BP) measurement in HealthPartners primary care clinics before and after automated BP device use [poster]
  • Diagnosis of pediatric hypertension depends on clinical practice guideline definitions [poster]
  • Frequency of CV Wizard use and gender disparity [poster]
  • Impact of BMI and change in BMI on progression from normotension to prehypertension or hypertension in patients ages 3-17 [poster]
  • Impact of oral contraceptives on adolescent blood pressure and BMI [poster]
  • Impact of oral contraceptives on adolescent blood pressure and BMI [poster]
  • Improved self-efficacy and satisfaction with care among Hyperlink intervention patients [poster]
  • Outcomes at six months of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [poster]
  • Personalized physician learning intervention to improve hypertension control: randomized trial comparing two methods of physician profiling [poster]
  • Prehypertension and hypertension in community-based pediatric practice [poster]
  • Aspirin decision support using data-driven treatment algorithms [poster]
  • Baseline blood pressure among adolescents initiating hormonal contraception [poster]
  • Home blood pressure telemonitoring for hypertension management: implications for practice [poster]
  • Outcomes at six months of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [poster]
  • Testing a clinical decision support process to lower cardiovascular risk of patients [poster]
  • Designing a patient interface for shared decision support [poster]
  • Does depression status impact recognition, treatment, or control of hypertension [poster]?
  • Childhood hypertension and obesity: diagnosis, care and costs [poster]
  • Chronic kidney disease in HealthPartners patients [poster]
  • EHR-based clinical decision support for assessing cardiovascular risk [poster]
  • Electronic data collection for a clinical trial conducted within a health system [poster]
  • Patterns of blood pressure measurement at pediatric primary care visits in large medical group practices [poster]
  • Pediatric hypertension and obesity: predictors, care, and costs [poster]
  • The DIAMOND Study [poster]
  • Two-year outcomes following off-label use of drug-eluting stents in the real world: insights from the HMO Research Network-Stent Registry (HMORN-STENT) [poster]
  • Review
  • Early patient-centered outcomes research experience with the use of telehealth to address disparities: scoping review [review, systematic review]
    Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2021
  • Evidence and recommendations on the use of telemedicine for the management of arterial hypertension: an international expert position paper [review]
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2020
  • Self-monitoring of blood pressure in patients with hypertension-related multi-morbidity: systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis [meta-analysis, systematic review]
    American Journal of Hypertension. 2020
  • Blood pressure assessment in adults in clinical practice and clinic-based research: JACC Scientific Expert Panel [review]
    Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2019
  • Priorities Wizard: multisite web-based primary care clinical decision support improved chronic care outcomes with high use rates and high clinician satisfaction rates [review]
    EGEMS (Washington, DC). 2019
  • Self-monitoring of blood pressure in hypertension: A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis [review, systematic review, meta-analysis]
    PLoS Medicine. 2017
  • The impact of antihypertensive medications on bone mineral density and fracture risk [review article]
    Current Cardiology Reports. 2017
  • Outpatient diabetes clinical decision support: current status and future directions [review]
    Diabetic Medicine. 2016
  • Research needs to improve hypertension treatment and control in African Americans [review]
    Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.. 2016
  • Diagnostic and predictive accuracy of blood pressure screening methods with consideration of rescreening intervals: a systematic review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [review, systematic review]
    Annals of Internal Medicine. 2015
  • Genome-wide association analysis of blood-pressure traits in African-ancestry individuals reveals common associated genes in African and non-African populations [meta-analysis]
    American Journal of Human Genetics. 2013
  • Restricted-carbohydrate diets in patients with type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis [meta-analysis, review]
    Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2008
  • Abstract
  • Comparing change in systolic blood pressure with clinic-based care versus telehealth care in a pragmatic cluster-randomized trial (Hyperlink 3) [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2021
  • Blood pressure checks and diagnosing hypertension (BP-CHECK): a randomized controlled diagnostic study comparing clinic, home, and kiosk, to 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring--comparative accuracy primary outcome results [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Dissemination and sustained use of an outpatient clinical decision system with high use rates, high clinician satisfaction, and positive impact on quality of care [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • Long-term effects on cardiovascular events of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist management in patients with uncontrolled hypertension [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2019
  • A comparison of the impact of the 2017 ACC/AHA hypertension guidelines on primary care populations with and without diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2018
  • A clinical decision support system promotes shared decision-making and cardiovascular risk factor management [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Comparative effectiveness of two diabetes clinical decision support systems on cardiometabolic outcomes and CV risk: randomized trial [abstract 2304-PUB]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Design features of successful outpatient chronic disease care clinical decision support systems [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Designing outpatient diabetes care clinical decision support systems for high use rates [abstract 2309-PUB]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Eliciting patient treatment preferences using a clinical decision support system [abstract 1252-P]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Overuse and underuse of acetyl-salicylic acid for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2016
  • Overuse and underuse of aspirin for primary prevention [abstract 1225-P]
    Diabetes. 2016
  • Overuse and underuse of aspirin for primary prevention of cardiovascular events in primary care [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Qualitative data from a trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring and pharmacist management (Hyperlink) [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Randomised trial of a diabetes clinical decision support system: use rates, provider satisfaction, and impact on clinical outcomes [abstract]
    Diabetologia. 2016
  • Relation of change in weight status to the development of hypertension in children and adolescents [abstract]
    Journal of patient-centered research and reviews. 2016
  • Evaluation of provider experience with an EHR-based clinical decision support tool [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Sustained use of a diabetes clinical decision support tool in primary care practices [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2015
  • Aspirin decision support using data-driven treatment algorithms [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Glucose screening and identification of pre-diabetes in children and adolescents 2007-2011 [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2013
  • Outcomes of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Recidivism to uncontrolled BP levels in previously controlled hypertension patients [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • Testing a clinical decision support process to lower cardiovascular risk of patients [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2013
  • A comparison of blood pressure measurements derived from primary care practice and research settings [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Comparison of ethnicity and race categorization in electronic medical records and by self-report [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Experiences in designing a simple education interface for shared decision support for cardiovascular risk [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Prevalence of HT in children: comparison between task force recommendations and average of multiple measurements over 2 or 4 years [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Prevalence of elevated blood pressure and BMI in U.S. children and adolescents [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2012
  • Adherence to comprehensive interventions for management of uncontrolled hypertension [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2011
  • Effect of intensive versus standard blood pressure control on health-related quality of life in type 2 diabetes mellitus: ACCORD Trial [abstract 47-OR]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • HMORN research on pediatric hypertension and obesity: predictors, care, and costs: design of a new pediatric cohort [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Intensive blood pressure control does not increase falls and fractures in patients with type 2 diabetes: the ACCORD trial [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2011
  • Intensive glycemic control and fracture risk [abstract 1352-P]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Medication adherence in patients with uncontrolled blood pressure: results from the Hyperlink Study [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Overweight and obesity in those age 3-17 years old: implications for diabetes prevention [abstract 2377-PO]
    Diabetes. 2011
  • Prevalence of overweight and elevated blood pressure in a large cohort of children and adolescents (age 3-17 years) at an initial clinic examination [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2011
  • Use of alternative lifestyle methods to control hypertension in individuals entering a blood pressure clinical trial [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2011
  • Effect of point-of-care A1c testing in primary care clinics on diabetes medication intensification [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Home blood pressure telemonitoring and case management to control hypertension: HyperLink trial design and baseline characteristics [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Home blood pressure telemonitoring and case management to control hypertension: hyperlink design, baseline characteristics, and intervention adherence [abstract]
    Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.). 2010
  • Racial disparities in A1c change and medication intensification [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Validation of self-reported diabetes from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) clinical trials [abstract]
    Clinical Medicine & Research. 2010
  • Does a higher serum 25(OH) vitamin d level predict lower blood pressure in post-menopausal women? Prospective data from the Women’s Health Initiative [abstract]
    Circulation. 2009
  • Heart failure incidence and prognosis in post-menopausal women according to different diagnostic criteria: the Women’s Health Initiative hormone therapy randomized trials [abstract]
    Circulation. 2009
  • Hormone therapy and heart failure incidence and prognosis in post-menopausal women: the Women’s Health Initiative hormone therapy randomized trials [abstract]
    Circulation. 2009
  • Multi-marker prediction of coronary heart disease risk: the Women’s Health Initiative [abstract]
    Circulation. 2009
  • Neighborhood SES and incident CHD among women [abstract]
    Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2009
  • Association of lean mass and fat mass with bone mineral density in older diabetic adults: the ACCORD-BONE study [abstract]
    Diabetes. 2008
  • presentations
  • , International Conference on Social Stress Research
  • A prospective study of oral contraceptive use and risk of myocardial infarction among Swedish women [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 13th Annual Conference: Building a National Research Model: the Future of HMO-Based Research
  • Adherence to home blood pressure monitoring in patients with uncontrolled blood pressure [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 16th Annual Conference: Emerging Frontiers in Healthcare Research and Delivery
  • Advances in the understanding of cognitive and mental health in postmenopausal women: emerging findings from the Women's Health Initiative studies [presentation], American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry Annual Meeting
  • Association of BMI and change in BMI on progression from normotension to prehyertension or hypertension in patients ages 3-17 [presentation], Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting
  • Association of BMI and change in BMI on progression from normotension to prehypertension or hypertension in patients ages 3-17 [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 17th Annual Conference
  • Barriers to improving primary care of depression: a qualitative study [presentation], HMO Research Network 14th Annual Conference: Partnerships in Translation: Advancing Research and Clinical Care
  • Benefits of early versus later hypertension treatment and control on cardiovascular outcomes in those with diabetes: clinical and research implications [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 18th Annual Conference--Learning Health Care Systems: Leading Through Research
  • Blood pressure control in Hispanic participants in the antihypertensive lipid lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trial [presentation], HMO Research Network 14th Annual Conference: Partnerships in Translation: Advancing Research and Clinical Care
  • Building the hypertension registry: adventures in using the VDW model [presentation], HMO Research Network 16th Annual Conference: Emerging Frontiers in Healthcare Research and Delivery
  • Calcium/vitamin d supplementation and coronary artery calcification in a randomized trial setting [presentation], American Heart Association Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention 49th Annual Conference
  • Comparison of blood pressure measurements derived from primary care practice and research [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 18th Annual Conference--Learning Health Care Systems: Leading Through Research
  • Developing and deploying evidence-based clinical decision support (CDS) for aspirin use at the point-of-care [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 17th Annual Conference
  • Effect of clopidogrel use on death and myocardial infarction in patients who receive drug-eluting stents for off label vs on label indications. Insights from the HMO Research Network-Stent Registry (HMORN-STENT) [presentation], American Heart Association Quality Care and Outreach Research (QCOR) in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Conference
  • Evaluation of provider experience with an electronic health record-based clinical decision support tool [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 21st Annual Conference: Care Improvement Research: Partnering with Patients, Providers and Operational Leaders
  • Evaluation of the pooled cohort risk equations for cardiovascular risk prediction in a multiethnic cohort of women: the Women’s Health Initiative [presentation], American Heart Association Scientific Sessions
  • Health informatics technology in diabetes care [presentation], Diabetes Translation Research -NIH/NIDDK
  • How robust is the association between neighborhood socioeconomic status and coronary heart disease among women [presentation]?, International Conference on Health Policy Statistics (8th)
  • Interaction between smoking and obesity and the risk of developing breast cancer among postmenopausal women: The Women's Health Initiative Observational Study [presentation], American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) 102nd Annual Meeting
  • Longitudinal analysis of the impact of neighborhood SES on incident coronary heart disease among women [presentation], American Sociological Association Annual Meeting
  • Missed opportunities in CVD prevention? Women with elevated blood pressures in OB/GYN clinics are less likely to be recognized as hypertensive [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 16th Annual Conference: Emerging Frontiers in Healthcare Research and Delivery
  • Outcomes at six months of a randomized trial of home blood pressure telemonitoring with pharmacist case management [presentation], AHA Quality of Care and Outcomes Research 2012 Scientific Sessions
  • Patterns of blood pressure measurement at pediatric primary care visits in large medical group practices [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 15th Annual Conference
  • Patterns of care in children and adolescents following a first elevated blood pressure measurement: a multi-site cohort study [presentation], Pediatric Academic Societies and Asian Society for Pediatric Research Joint Meeting
  • Point-of-care prioritized clinical decision support reduces cardiovascular risk in adults with elevated cardiovascular risk: randomized trial [presentation], Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, 10th Annual
  • Predicted health and economic impact from the elimination of industrially-produced trans fatty acids in the United States [presentation], International Health Economics Association 2017 Biennial World Congress
  • Preventing and treating America's number one killer: the need for evidence-based strategies in cardiovascular disease [presentation], Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and the American Heart Association
  • Recent trends in CV risk factor control and CV risk in adults with diabetes [presentation], European Diabetes Epidemiology Group 2016 Annual Meeting
  • Recidivism to uncontrolled blood pressure levels in patients with previously controlled hypertension [presentation], Minnesota Health Services Research 17th Annual Conference
  • Replication of the ULK4 gene for blood pressure traits in African American post-menopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative [presentation], American Heart Association Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention Scientific Sessions
  • Six-month blood pressure outcomes of an intensive telemonitoring intervention trial [presentation], American Heart Association Meeting: Quality of Care Outcomes Research (QCOR)
  • Sustaining use of a clinical decision support tool for primary care providers [presentation], HMO Research Network (HMORN) 21st Annual Conference: Care Improvement Research: Partnering with Patients, Providers and Operational Leaders
  • TZDs, hormone therapy and fracture risk in older women [presentation], American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 31st Annual Meeting
  • The Women's Health Initiative and a career as a women's health researcher [presentation], BIRCWH (Building Interdisciplinary Research in Women's Health) Seminar
  • The white blood cell count predicts incident breast, colorectal and endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women [presentation], HMO Research Network 13th Annual Conference: Building a National Research Model: The Future of HMO-Based Research
  • Time trends in the use of thiazide diuretics as the initial agent for hypertension treatment from 2002-2007 [presentation], American Heart Association Quality Care and Outreach Research (QCOR) Meeting
  • Treatment intensification and medication adherence are factors in improving blood pressure trajectories among newly diagnosed CAD (coronary artery disease) patients [presentation], Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Scientific Sessions
  • Contact
    full name
  • Karen L. Margolis, MD, MPH
  • located in facility
    Quick Info
    Publications in the past 10 years based solely on publications while at HealthPartners. Publications in prior years appear in grey.