With our drug cost estimator, you can compare real-time prescription prices, including all available discounts, from more than 65,000 pharmacies across the country. HealthPartners members can also get plan-specific pricing and make easy online transfers.

Already a HealthPartners member? Sign in to compare drug costs.
When you sign in online or through our app, you’ll get personalized estimates for prescription prices at pharmacies near you. Estimates are based on your plan’s formulary (drug list), benefits and pharmacy network. If you see a lower price, you can also transfer your prescription online in a few easy steps.
Not a member yet? Use our general prescription cost estimator.
If you’re not a HealthPartners insurance plan member yet, you can still use our general drug cost estimator to compare prescription prices in your area. Estimates are based on our broadest pharmacy network and commercial formulary. Depending on the HealthPartners plan you join, your cost may vary, especially if you join a Medicare or Medicaid (Medical Assistance) plan.
More resources for managing prescription drug costs
If you have more questions about how to get the lowest prices for your prescription medicines,