Comprehensive labor and delivery services at Amery Hospital Birth Center

At Amery Hospital Birth Center, our doctors provide the expert care your family needs with the kindness that you deserve. We know that having a baby is an exciting, but sometimes stressful change for families. That’s why we treat you like members of our own family from the moment you walk in the door.

Giving birth is personal, so we provide personalized care that fits your unique needs and birth plan. Our services include:

  • Comfortable, private Birth Day Suites
  • Expectant parent and breastfeeding classes
  • Breastfeeding support from certified lactation consultants
  • Breastfeeding support group
  • Multiple pain management options, including intrathecal and epidural medication
  • Aromatherapy
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Water births
  • Relaxation breathing instruction
  • Relaxation massages

Our care team

It takes a village to raise a child, and a team to make sure you and baby get the best care possible. At Amery Hospital & Clinic, we’ll be with you from preconception, birth and beyond. Our team includes: OB-GYNs, family medicine doctors, experienced labor and delivery nurses, pediatricians, certified pediatric nurse practitioners, and more.

Meet our care team

A mom snuggles with her newborn baby in bed.

Birthing options

No matter what your birth plan is, we’ll do our best to give you the labor and delivery you want. We can perform vaginal deliveries and cesarean sections (C-sections). We also have birthing tubs available if you’d prefer a water birth. Some of the options you can choose for your labor and delivery include:

Pain management

Whether you want to deliver without the use of medication or if you want help managing your pain, we support your decision. We’ll talk to you about the available pain management options, answer your questions and make sure you understand your choices.

Many of our patients choose epidurals to manage their pain. An epidural is a type of anesthesia that numbs your body from your belly button to your upper legs. Many women choose an epidural so they can stay alert during labor and delivery while feeling less pain.

Other pain management options are available for you to choose from. Your doctor will talk to you about ways to manage your pain.

Water births

A water birth is when you deliver your baby in a warm tub. This is becoming a more popular way to deliver because some women find it to be a more gentle, comforting experience. Studies show that laboring in warm water can reduce the length of labor and the need for medical interventions and soothe pain.

At our birth center, you can ask for a birthing tub to be placed in your birth suite. That way, you can have a water birth in the comfort of your private room.

 An infant grins and reaches out to their older brother while their mother looks on.

Tender love and care for your whole family

Adding a new member to your family is a time of incredible change. You might feel excited, delighted, overwhelmed or anxious, sometimes all in the first day. The birth center team is here to help you bond with your baby and learn the skills you need to know so you can feel confident when you’re ready to head home.

An infant lies comfortably inside a baby incubator.

Our nursery

We have a cozy nursery, where we can keep an eye on babies who need extra care. The nursery is staffed 24/7, so there’s always a nurse nearby keeping an eye on your little one. We use the best equipment and technology to keep your baby safe and comfortable, including a Panda infant warmer.

Breastfeeding support

We support your choice to feed your baby in a way that works best for your family, but we believe that breast is best. Research shows that breastfeeding is good for baby and for mom. When nursing doesn’t come naturally, we’ll help you through it. Call 715-268-0600 for more information.

Amery Birth Day Suites, a home away from home

Our birth center and Birth Day Suites were created with the comfort of all families in mind. In addition to free Wi-Fi and cable TV in our Birth Day Suites, our amenities include:

  • Private rooms – Our private suites are large and comfortable. Each one comes with a recliner and sleeping accommodations for your partner or loved ones. We also provide a private whirlpool tub and shower in every Birth Day Suite, so you can labor in the tub or relax with a hot shower.
  • Soothing décor with gorgeous views – Our Birth Day Suites were designed to create a calming environment so baby’s first few moments in the world are beautiful ones.
  • Celebration meal to enjoy after your baby is born – You and your partner can choose from a special menu that accommodates all tastes and preferences.
  • 24/7 entrance security – The security of your family is one of our top priorities. We follow high-quality security procedures with a 24/7 locked unit to keep you and baby safe.

Expectant parent classes

Whether you’re new parents or having your third, we can help you learn more about birth and parenting. We offer free expectant parent classes at Amery Hospital & Clinic. All classes are led by experienced labor and delivery nurses. We also bring in guest speakers who offer their unique experience and expertise to the class.

Topics covered at our expectant parent classes include:

  • Registration, review of materials
  • Discussion on breathing and relaxation
  • Labor and delivery
  • Interventions and operative birth
  • Postpartum care
  • Infant safety and care

Call 715-268-8000 for more information, or register online .

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)