- Travel and meeting allowance for the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, a regional Pharmacy Residency Conference, and a local hospital/clinical conference
- Medical, dental, and life insurance
- 20 days paid-time-off
Required Learning Experiences
Each resident will be required to complete the following experiences:
- Orientation and pharmacy services
- Two general medicine/surgery rotations
- Specialties: Cardiology, Oncology, ICU, Infectious Diseases
- Management rotation and hospital committees (longitudinal)
- Longitudinal residency project – topic/format flexible
- Staffing: every third weekend (8-hour shifts x 2) and some holidays
- Emergency Center
- Project, interest, leadership
Available Rotations
Our program offers a range of clinical and practice experiences that are chosen and individualized based on the interest of the resident.
- Internal Medicine/General Surgery
- Cardiology
- Oncology
- Pharmacy Management and Administration
- Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit
- Hospice/Home Infusion
- Emergency Medicine
- Infectious Disease
- Ambulatory Care
- Creekside Medical Rounding Service
- Orthopedics
- Neurology
- Toxicology (MN Poison Center)
- Anticoagulation Stewardship and Clinical Service
Additional Program Activities
Throughout the year, residents will also participate in:
- Completion of a pharmacy residency project for presentation at the Midwest Residency Conference
- Med Use/Safety evaluations
- Drug monograph(s)
- Attendance at and presentation of a poster at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting
- P & T committee, along with 2-3 other hospital committees (resident’s choice)
- Journal Club and Community Wellness event(s)
- Opportunity to provide teaching for courses at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
- Assist in precepting College of Pharmacy IPPE and APPE students
- Family Medicine Noon Conference
- ACLS training and certification
- Assist with recruitment of future pharmacy residents
- Collaborative Residency Teaching Program
Applying to PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency
Applicants will apply via PhORCAS
Required application materials:
1) Letter of interest
2) Curriculum vitae
3) College of Pharmacy official transcripts
4) Three professional references through PHORCAS (additional letters not required)
Onsite interviews scheduled in January
We will be participating in the Match through National Matching Services (NMS) (NMS Code 216013)
Important dates for 2025 Methodist applicants
*Interviews will be conducted in hybrid format (in-person or virtual) based on candidate preference*
- Methodist Hospital application deadline: January 3, 2025
- Interview invites and regrets sent: week of January 13
- Interview dates: January 23, 24, 27, 28, 29
Applicant Qualifications
PharmD degree from an ACPE accredited college of pharmacy
State of Minnesota pharmacy license or eligible for Minnesota licensure
Why should prospective pharmacy residents consider Methodist Hospital for their PGY1 residency?
Prospective pharmacy residents should consider Methodist Hospital for their PGY1 residency because they will have an opportunity to become part of a unique, collegial, hard-working and fun-loving community of health-care professionals. Our hospital feels like a small community campus despite our actual size and location in the Twin Cities. The collaboration and teamwork between the pharmacists, nurses, and clinicians at Methodist Hospital is very rewarding; which fosters an environment of excellent patient care!
– Becky Roemer, PharmD, BCPS, Creekside Medical Rounding Service preceptor
Prospective pharmacy residents should consider Methodist Hospital for their PGY1 residency because of the wide variety of high-quality experiences it offers, which can be tailored to specific individual interests.
– Angela Carpenter, PharmD, BCPS, Hospice preceptor
Pharmacy residents are welcomed by our whole department. We provide a supportive environment for the resident to become a confident, well-rounded, competent pharmacist.
– Abby Von Ruden, PharmD, BCPS, Inpatient Pharmacy Supervisor and Orientation preceptor
Residency at Methodist Hospital provides a very well rounded, diverse set of rounding experiences. Each resident is able to make the year their own by molding their schedule in order to explore/confirm any interests they may have early in the year to ensure they are ready for next steps (e.g. PGY2). All of our preceptors are dedicated experts in their area that truly care about each resident’s development.
-Zach Stoecker, PharmD, BCCCP, Pharmacy Clinical Manager and Management preceptor

Name: Libby Bender
Pharmacy school: University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
Clinical interest areas: Oncology, cardiology, internal medicine
Why I chose Methodist: I chose to complete a residency at Methodist Hospital because of the exceptional mentorship, diverse clinical experiences, and the genuine kindness I experienced during my interview. I was impressed by the caring atmosphere and how the pharmacists consistently strive to deliver patient-centered care. The variety of clinical opportunities combined with the lasting impact Methodist Hospital and its pharmacists have on the community made it the ideal environment for my PGY-1 residency.

Name: Alex Hutchens
Pharmacy school: University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
Clinical interest areas: Infectious diseases, critical care, internal medicine
Why I chose Methodist: I chose Methodist for residency because it was clear to me that there is a large amount of time and energy invested into making the residency year customized to each of our individual interests. I really enjoyed interacting with medical students and residents during my clinical rotations and saw the Creekside rotation as a unique opportunity to extend this and continue building relationships and hearing different perspectives from other members of the team. Lastly, shadowing one of the pharmacists in the ICU as a student gave me a sense of the appreciation that providers have for pharmacists and motivated me to join what I know now to be a very welcoming team that strives for high quality patient care.

Name: Sam Gunnarson
Pharmacy school: University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
Clinical interest areas: Emergency medicine, critical care, internal medicine
Why I chose Methodist: I chose Methodist to become a member of the amazing team of pharmacists who contribute to the collaborative, respectful, and enthusiastic culture of the Hospital. At Methodist, I saw the unique experience of working with the vast, diverse patient population of the Twin Cities metro with the added advantage of also knowing every member of the interdisciplinary team. The program focuses on us and facilitates the best possible experience to push me as a learner, incorporate all my clinical interests, and welcome me as a respected member of the team providing exceptional care.