Burn treatment services at the Regions Hospital Burn Center

Burn wounds need specialized care in order to heal. The Regions Hospital Burn Center was established over 60 years ago to provide the specialized care needed to treat even the most complex burn injuries.

We have the most comprehensive burn program in the Upper Midwest. Patients receive personal care through daily interaction with a multidisciplinary team even after discharge. Our specialists have developed treatments and technologies that have been used all over the world. We care for the entire patient – body, mind and soul – with exceptional treatments, mental health support and even summer camps for burn survivors. When you need help treating a burn, our team is here for you.

Transferring a patient

As a nationally recognized burn center, we have the experience needed to treat all types of burns in adults and children. Patients come to us from all over the Upper Midwest to get the specialized care they need.

The Regions Hospital Burn Center has a helipad to accept transfers from helicopters. Patients traveling by airplanes can land at Holman Field in St. Paul, a regional airport only 5 minutes from the burn unit.

For referrals, consults or management questions, call Regions Hospital Burn Center. Burn surgeons are available 24/7.

To transfer a patient, call 800-922-2876.

Burn treatment services we offer

When it comes to treating a burn, we provide the highest level of care. Our burn specialists have invented treatments and technologies that are used all over the world. We provide comprehensive treatment for all types of burns and frostbite injuries. Some of the services we offer include:

A doctor and nurse check on a patient in his hospital room.

Skin grafting

A skin graft is when healthy skin is transplanted, or attached, to the burn injury. We use this type of burn treatment to help you recover from deep second-degree and third-degree burns.

Depending on your condition, we might recommend temporary or permanent skin grafts.

Scar management

As skin heals, strong collagen fibers fill the wounds. When we can see these fibers, that’s a scar. Our burn specialists are experts at minimizing and managing all types of burn scars, including contractures, keloids and hypertrophic scars.

We use treatments like scar massage, laser therapy, pressure therapy (compression therapy) and surgery to reduce the severity and appearance of scars.

Face masks

A face mask is one of the most effective treatments for facial burns – they can help manage swelling and scarring. We use the latest face mask technology for treating burns, including the transparent face mask (also called a transparent facial orthosis) that was invented at the Regions Hospital Burn Center.

All of the face masks we use in our burn treatments are custom made to each patient’s face.

A close-up of a patient's hands in a hospital bed. One hand is covered in a bandage while they heal.


Burns heal better when they’re covered. They need to be kept moist and clean. Bandages and wound dressings are used to protect the burns and minimize scarring during the healing process. Our burn specialists are experts at choosing the right kinds of bandages for treating a burn.


Casts are sometimes used to protect skin grafts while they heal. Depending on your condition, we might recommend serial casting – a burn treatment where we apply a series of casts over several weeks. This can help prevent loss of range of motion if a burn occurs near a joint.


Splints provide support and keep parts of your body still to help burn injuries heal. They can reduce swelling after a skin graft, protect fragile skin and reduce the risk of complications from burns.

We use both prefabricated and custom-made splints to help treat burns.

Baths for burns

Baths for burns, sometimes called hydrotherapy, is a burn treatment that uses warm water to soothe and clean burns. Bathing burns helps minimize scars, prevent infection and promote healing.

A physical therapist guides his patient through hand-strengthening exercises.

Occupational and physical therapy

After a burn injury, we may recommend occupational and physical therapy for burns. This type of treatment can help you regain your range of motion and independence.

We have occupational and physical therapists who specialize in helping people recovering from burn injuries. We’ll guide you through targeted stretches and exercises to help you regain your function and move comfortably. We’ll also show you ways to perform daily tasks so you can confidently get through the day and move without pain.

Burn support groups

Join us for our virtual, monthly group that connects burn survivors, families and friends. You’ll talk with people who have gone through similar life experiences, learn how to cope with your injuries, and make lifelong friends. We meet the first Tuesday of the month from 6-8 p.m. and the third Thursday of the month from 1-2:30 p.m. on WebEx. This group is for adults only.

For questions or to join the group, call 651-254-2030 or email mikki.j.rothbauer@healthpartners.com.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Plastic and reconstructive surgery is often used to help manage the appearance of scars after you’ve recovered from your burn injury. If surgery is needed, we’ll connect you with our highly specialized surgical care team to help you feel more like yourself again.

A doctor consults with another doctor and his patient via a virtual visit.

Burn telemedicine services

We’re the only burn center in the Upper Midwest to offer acute and outpatient telemedicine consultation. We have a burn surgeon available 24/7 to provide consultation and determine over the phone if a transfer is needed. Call us anytime at 800-922-2876.

Burn treatment education for medical teams

The Regions Hospital Burn Center provides specialized education, free of charge, for local doctors, registered nurses and EMS staff. This education can be offered at our facility, or our staff can come to your facility and train you in burn-specific topics.

Please contact Mark Johnston, Manager Burn Program, at 651-254-1562 or at mark.j.johnston@healthpartners.com to learn more.